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451 Research’s Report Reveals Major Apache Flink® & Confluent Announcements!

Discover the latest Apache Flink developments and major Confluent announcements from Kafka Summit 2023 in 451 Research’s Market Insight Report.

Use of stream processing technology is on the rise! So much so that the global stream processing market is projected to grow from USD 930.4 million in 2023 to USD 2.4 billion by 2030. For those in the industry, this comes as no surprise. As the volume of data being generated every day continues to grow, the demand to quickly process data to feed real-time analytics, AI/ML applications, IoT devices, and more is increasing at an accelerated pace.

Recently, at Kafka Summit 2023, Confluent showcased its intent to make headway as a major player in the stream processing marketplace by incorporating Apache Flink (a real-time stream processing framework) into its core offerings.

This report by 451 Research provides a detailed synopsis of the Apache Flink developments shared by Confluent at Kafka Summit and also highlights other key takeaways and announcements from the highly attended conference.

You’ll learn about:

  • Confluent’s early-access program for a fully managed version of Apache Flink
  • How Confluent’s managed service for Apache Flink aligns well with Kafka deployments
  • Confluent’s debut of Kora Engine, the Apache Kafka® engine built for the cloud
  • The launch of new Confluent features, including Stream Sharing and custom connectors

Download the report to learn more!

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