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Confluent Cloud Onboarding Series

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Fundamentals & Advanced

Wednesdays, 10:00am GMT

Welcome to Confluent Cloud! As you embark on your journey to set your data in motion, we've compiled a range of resources to ensure you and your teams are equipped with the tools and knowledge you need to be successful.

As you get started with Confluent Cloud, there are many considerations you and your team should be thinking about to be successful. We have meticulously organized a complimentary, Solution Engineer-guided onboarding session to navigate you through the pivotal milestones for a successful initiation with Confluent Cloud.

It is highly advised that you attend the onboarding sessions to enhance your understanding of Confluent Cloud, in collaboration with a Confluent Sales Engineer. The objective of these sessions is to expedite your start and facilitate a comprehensive understanding of Confluent Cloud navigation, thereby accelerating the development of your data pipelines.

Confluent Cloud Fundamentals - Level 100

  • Confluent & Cloud UI Introduction
  • Admin Dashboard Overview
  • Cloud Constructs: Org/Env/Clusters
  • Security: User Onboarding, RBAC & ACLs, Accounts & API Keys, SSO
  • Cloud Cluster Options and Networking: Create Clusters
  • Introduction to Connectors, Schema Registry, Flink and Data Portal

Confluent Cloud Advanced - Level 200

  • Stream Governance
  • Flink Workspaces
  • CLI/API Introduction
  • Terraform Provider
  • Modularization
  • Metrics and Observability
  • Billing and Cost Management