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Online Talk

Building a Secure, Tamper-Proof & Scalable Blockchain on Top of Apache Kafka - Introduction to AiB's KafkaBlockchain

Apache Kafka is an open-source event streaming platform used to complement or replace existing middleware, integrate applications, and build microservice architectures. Used at almost every large company today, it's understood, battled-tested, highly scalable, and reliable.

Blockchain is a different story. Being related to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, it's often in the news. But what is the value for software architectures? And how is it related to an integration architecture and event streaming platform?

This session explores blockchain use cases and different alternatives such as Hyperledger, Ethereum, and Kafka-native blockchain implementation. We discuss the value blockchain brings for different architectures, and how it can be integrated with the Kafka ecosystem to build a highly scalable and reliable event streaming infrastructure.

Kai Waehner, Technology Evangelist, Confluent
Stephen Reed, CTO, Co-Founder, AiB

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