Hands-on Flink Workshop: Implement Stream Processing | Register Now
Open Banking regulations compel the UK’s largest banks, and building societies to enable their customers to share personal information with other regulated companies securely. As a result companies such as Nationwide Building Society are re-architecting their processes and infrastructure around customer needs to reduce the risk of losing relevance and the ability to innovate.
In this online talk, you will learn why, when facing Open Banking regulation and rapidly increasing transaction volumes, Nationwide decided to take load off their back-end systems through real-time streaming of data changes into Apache Kafka®. You will hear how Nationwide started their journey with Apache Kafka®, beginning with the initial use case of creating a real-time data cache using Change Data Capture, Confluent Platform and Microservices. Rob Jackson, Head of Application Architecture, will also cover how Confluent enabled Nationwide to build the stream processing backbone that is being used to re-engineer the entire banking experience including online banking, payment processing and mortgage applications.
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