국내 No.1 에너지 IT기업 ‘해줌’의 컨플루언트 클라우드 도입 스토리 | 알아보고 등록하기


Insuring the Future Through Data

Download the Book

A new breed of insuretech companies is connecting with customers online rather than through traditional brokers and agents. They offer a highly personalized, on-demand experience with individualized premiums and self-service claims management that’s more convenient and cost-effective for customers than traditional insurance.

Meanwhile, traditional insurance companies are struggling with legacy technologies, including mainframes, as well as distributed data. That’s why they’re quickly moving to the cloud. According in a survey of insurance leaders by Accenture, 70% said they have already done formal planning and analysis on moving legacy applications to the cloud1. That’s why a growing share of IT budgets have been allocated to cloud services and technology.

But the cloud alone isn’t enough. To succeed, insurance companies must unify data from all their channels that may be scattered across multiple legacy systems as well as new digital applications. Without the ability to access and combine all this data in real time, delivering a truly modern insurance experience while assessing fast-changing risks can be an uphill battle.

Our eBook titled Insuring the Future Through Data explains how event streaming, an emerging technology for analyzing event data in real time, can help insurers compete with their insuretech peers. You will learn how combining event streaming from Apache Kafka® and Confluent with Google Cloud can help you:

  • Create a digital and personalized experience
  • Design innovative new insurance products
  • Improve operational efficiency and reduce costs
  • Manage risk by detecting fraud and improving compliance with regulations

Ready to insure your future? Read the eBook today.

1 PwC: https://insuranceblog.accenture.com/cloud-adoption-in-life-annuity-are-you-in-the-70-percent

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Confluent Cloud 데모

Apache Kafka에서 제공하는 업계 유일의 완전 관리형 클라우드 네이티브 이벤트 스트리밍 플랫폼인 Confluent Cloud의 라이브 데모에 참여하십시오
kafka microservices

Kafka 마이크로서비스

마이크로서비스 아키텍처에 강력한 실시간 스트림 기능을 활용할 수 있도록 주요 개념, 사용 사례 및 모범 사례를 확인하십시오.
Image-Event-Driven Microservices-01

e-book: 마이크로서비스 고객 사례

다양한 산업 부문의 5개 조직이 Confluent를 활용하여 어떻게 새로운 차원의 이벤트 기반 마이크로서비스를 구축했는지 확인해 보십시오.