국내 No.1 에너지 IT기업 ‘해줌’의 컨플루언트 클라우드 도입 스토리 | 알아보고 등록하기

Confluent Trademark Guidelines

Confluent’s trademarks (the “Confluent Marks”) are valuable assets of Confluent, Inc. (“Confluent” or the “Company”) that the Company vigorously protects. These Guidelines provide information about the authorized and proper use of the Confluent Marks. Your use of Confluent Marks must be in compliance with these Guidelines.

  1. The Confluent Marks are the sole property of Confluent. You are not allowed to use the Confluent Marks without express written permission. Confluent can modify or revoke the right to use the Confluent Marks at any time, in its sole discretion, for any reason.
  2. Do not use the Confluent Marks in any way that is false or misleading, or in any way that is in violation of any applicable law or regulation of any country.
  3. You may use the Confluent Marks only to identify and distinguish Confluent’s products and services.
  4. Whenever possible, use the Confluent Marks with the generic name of the product following the mark (e.g., CONFLUENT software). Ideally, this should be done throughout all material, but at a minimum it should be done the first time the mark appears prominently.
  5. Do not use the Confluent Marks as verbs or nouns.
  6. The first time that a Confluent Mark appears in text in material, and whenever feasible, use the proper trademark symbol (trademark registration symbol, ® or TM) next to it, e.g., CONFLUENT® software, and distinguish the trademark from the other words in the text, (e.g., in all capital letters, or boldface type).
  7. Do not use the possessive or plural form of the Confluent Marks.
  8. Attribute ownership of the Confluent Marks to Confluent, e.g., include a notice of attribution where appropriate, e.g., “CONFLUENT is a registered trademark of Confluent, Inc.”
  9. Do not alter the appearance of any Confluent Mark, e.g., do not abbreviate any mark or change the font or properties of any Confluent Mark. Do not combine any Confluent Mark with any other words or design elements, or hyphenate any Confluent Mark.
  10. Any Confluent Marks must be used in the same formatting and sizing as provided by Confluent.
  11. Do not use the Confluent Marks in any disparaging manner or in any way that otherwise negatively impacts the Company or the goodwill of the Confluent Marks.