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Convening With Data Streaming Engineers at Current 2024


We covered so much at Current 2024, from the 138 breakout sessions, lightning talks, and meetups on the expo floor to what happened on the main stage. If you heard any snippets or saw quotes from the Day 2 keynote, then you already know what I told the room: We are all data streaming engineers now. 

Why? Because of a historic paradigm shift that’s been in progress for more than a decade. The way we build systems and manage data has dramatically changed in that time, thanks in large part to the overlapping and widespread adoption of microservices, cloud computing, and Apache Kafka®. As we heard from Confluent CEO Jay Kreps on Day 1, that change continues now as companies are becoming not just software, but software-powered by artificial intelligence—and they’re doing it faster than their data infrastructure can match.

Building on the recent explosion of generative AI, many businesses are ambitiously working toward creating AI agents capable of acting and communicating on the behalf of human users by iteratively interrogating domain-specific language models. The more these complex use cases emerge and prove themselves to be useful, the more we’re going to see the responsibility for AI/ML engineering bleed across roles. 

So it won’t just be AI/ML researchers and Ph.D. data scientists being tapped—software engineers will feel even more pressure to build AI-powered applications and services that are capable of making trustworthy, domain-informed decisions in real time. What started as a rarefied academic pursuit is now a commonplace task of the enterprise software developer.

The practical enterprise incarnation of AI is not just a large language model trained over weeks and months on an internet’s worth of text—it’s also a large set of model-encoded contextual data about what is currently true in the enterprise itself. It’s all but impossible to imagine keeping this context up to date without a data streaming platform at its foundation. And at the foundation of that platform is Apache Kafka. As Staff Developer Advocate Danica Fine put it in the Day 2 keynote (speaking of AI), "The backbone of any real-time system has to be Kafka.”

Tim Berglund explains how data streaming, stream processing, integration, and governance can unlock data value in the analytics domain.

Check out sessions from Current 2024 on demand.

What is a data streaming engineer?

Paradigm shifts at the scale we’re seeing with streaming are rare. In fact, I’d argue that a shift of this magnitude in digital computing has only happened once before, when the mainframes gave way to what we called the client-server model beginning around 40 years ago.

To take advantage of this new era, practitioners and leaders alike need to understand what a data streaming engineer does. We need to know the skills, tools, and organizational capabilities we need to advance our careers and meet the rapidly evolving needs of a business hungry to deploy value-creating new tools.

The words get a little complicated here, because we don’t all agree on whether we want to be called software architects, software developers, software engineers, data engineers, or just plain programmers. We all have different specialties in the front end, the back end, application development, infrastructure, data, architecture, and more. But when you realize our work is based increasingly on the data streams that find their form in Kafka topics, and on the layers of the stack that are emerging on top of that substrate, you can see why the term “data streaming engineer” applies so broadly.

Adi Polak, director of advocacy and developer experience engineering, polls the Current 2024 audience during the Day 2 keynote.

Content consumer groups at Current 2024

At Current, I got to converse with people in various stages of their journey as data streaming engineers. These interactions confirmed the obvious—that the ecosystem has coalesced around core technologies like Kafka and, more recently, Apache Flink®—but offered new insights into the problems we are focused on solving next.

While the Day 2 keynote may have been titled, “The Rise of the Data Streaming Engineer,” in reality, the dawn of this era is several years behind us already. We as a community are already working out the form of the emerging streaming platform. This is something Adi Polak ably demonstrated with her live demo that combined Kafka, Flink, Kafka Connect, Confluent Schema Registry, Apache Iceberg®, and Confluent Tableflow to illustrate how the shift-left pattern delivers higher-quality analytics at lower overall cost from streaming sources. You really have to check out the video—this pattern is going to be critical going forward.

And while you’re watching videos, let me highlight a few sessions for your review, if you didn’t catch them in person. Here are some beginner-level links to explore:

If you’re further along in your journey, try these on for size:

So you want to be a (better) data streaming engineer

Whether you were able to make Current this year or not, there’s plenty of opportunity for you to further your progress as a data streaming engineer. However works for you, just start learning and get involved with in-person meetups, online groups, and conferences as much as possible. 

Don’t forget to visit Confluent Developer for tutorials, language-specific guides, and video courses—all for free. And I’m happy to inform you that the recordings for all Current 2024 sessions are available now. Nothing is stopping you from moving forward in data streaming except your own investments in yourself. Now is the time to make them!

  • Tim Berglund는 강사이자 저술가이며 StarTree 개발자 관계 리더로 재직하고 있습니다. 미국 및 전 세계의 컨퍼런스에서 발표하는 시간도 자주 갖고 있습니다. 또한 Git부터 Distributed Systems에 이르는 다양한 주제를 아우르는 O'Reilly 교육 비디오의 공동 진행자이며 Gradle Beyond the Basics의 저자이기도 합니다. Tim은 X(구 Twitter)에서 @tlberglund 계정으로 활동 중이고, 아주 가끔이지만 운영 중인 블로그 http://timberglund.com에 포스팅하며, http://devrelrad.io 팟캐스트를 공동으로 진행하고 있습니다. 장성한 두 자녀를 독립시킨 후 어린 시절 만난 아내와 막내 자녀와 함께 미국 콜로라도주 리틀턴에 거주 중입니다.

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