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Author: Michael Drogalis

How Real-Time Stream Processing Safely Scales with ksqlDB, Animated

How Real-Time Stream Processing Safely Scales with ksqlDB, Animated

Software engineering memes are in vogue, and nothing is more fashionable than joking about how complicated distributed systems can be. Despite the ribbing, many people adopt them. Why? Distributed systems […]

How Real-Time Materialized Views Work with ksqlDB, Animated

How Real-Time Materialized Views Work with ksqlDB, Animated

All around the world, companies are asking the same question: What is happening right now? We are inundated with pieces of data that have a fragment of the answer. But […]

How Real-Time Stream Processing Works with ksqlDB, Animated

How Real-Time Stream Processing Works with ksqlDB, Animated

ksqlDB, the event streaming database, is becoming one of the most popular ways to work with Apache Kafka®. Every day, we answer many questions about the project, but here’s a […]

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