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Third Party Software

Third Party Software included in Confluent Platform 3.0

The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Confluent Platform 3.0, along with the license associated with the software.

Third Party Software in Previous Confluent Platform versions:

Confluent Platform 2.0.1


Included Project License
Antlr BSD License
AOP Alliance Public Domain
Apache Ant Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Avro Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Calcite Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Commons Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Curator Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache DB Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Derby Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Directory Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Hadoop Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Hive Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Htrace Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache HTTP Components Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Ivy Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Log4j Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Parquet Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Thrift Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Velocity Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Xerces Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Log4j Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Zookeeper Apache License, Version 2.0
AWS SDK for Java Apache License, Version 2.0
Argparse4j MIT License
ASM BSD 3-clause License
AWS SDK for Java Apache License, Version 2.0
BoneCP Apache License, Version 2.0
Camus Apache License, Version 2.0
DataNucleus Apache License, Version 2.0
eigenbase-properties Apache License, Version 2.0
Findbugs Apache License, Version 2.0
google/gson Apache License, Version 2.0
google/guava Apache License, Version 2.0
Groovy Apache License, Version 2.0
Hamcrest New BSD License (BSD 3-clause License)
Hibernate LGPL 2.1 and ASL 2.0
HK2 CDDL + GPLv2 with Classpath Exception
Inject Apache License, Version 2.0
Jackson Data Processor Apache License, Version 2.0
Janino New BSD License (BSD 3-clause License)
Java API for RESTful Services CDDL version 1 and GPL version 2 with classpath exception
java-classmate Apache License, Version 2.0
Java Data Objects Apache License, Version 2.0
Java-Dog-StatsD Client MIT License
Java Mail CDDL version 1 and GPL version 2 with classpath exception
Java Stax CDDL version 1 and GPL version 2 with classpath exception
java-dogstatsd-client MIT License
javassist MPL 1.1-LGPL 2.1-Apache License 2.0 (see license file in download)
javax.activation Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), Version 1.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL version 1 and GPL version 2 with classpath exception
javax.servlet-api CDDL version 1 and GPL version 2 with classpath exception
JAXB CDDL version 1 and GPL version 2 with classpath exception
Jboss LGPL 2.1
Jersey Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), Version 1.1
Jettison Apache License, Version 2.0
Jetty Apache License, Version 2.0
Jline BSD License
Joda Time Apache License, Version 2.0
Jopt Simple MIT License
Jose4J Apache 2.0 License
Jpam Apache License, Version 2.0
JSON The JSON License
Java Transaction API (JTA) Oracle/Sun JTA License
Junit MIT License
Level DB MIT License
LZ4 Java Apache License, Version 2.0
metrics Apache License, Version 2.0
netty Apache License, Version 2.0
OpenCSV Apache License, Version 2.0
paranamer BSD 3-clause License
Pentaho Aggdesigner Apache License, Version 2.0
PostgresSQL The Postgres License
Protocol Buffers New BSD License
Reflections DWTFYWT Public License
RocksDB BSD License
Scala BSD 3-clause License
Servlet API CDDL version 1 and GPL version 2 with classpath exception
slf4j MIT License
snappy Apache License, Version 2.0
SQLite Apache License, Version 2.0
String Tempate BSD License
Unifed Expression Language CDDL version 1 and GPL version 2 with classpath exception
validation-api Apache License, Version 2.0
xmlenc BSD License