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Apache Kafka® のスキーマ管理と検証を自動化

Confluent は、スキーマ管理とプログラムによるスキーマ検証で Kafka を補完し、アプリケーション間の互換性確保と信頼性の高い開発を実現します。


Schema Registry

Schema Registry is a central repository with a RESTful interface for developers to define standard schemas and register applications to enable compatibility. Schema Registry is available as a software component of Confluent Platform or as a managed component of Confluent Cloud.


Schema Validation は、Kafka Broker と Schema Registry の間の直接のインターフェイスとしてプログラムによるスキーマの検証と適用を行います。Schema Validation は Kafka Topic レベルで設定できます。現時点では Confluent Platform でのみ利用可能です。

Enable application development compatibility

Develop using standard schemas

Store and share a versioned history of all standard schemas, and validate data compatibility at the client level. Schema Registry supports Avro, JSON and Protobuf serialization formats.

Reduce operational complexity

Schema Registry reduces operational complexity in the application cycle, eliminating the need for complex coordination among teams to implement changes.

Ensure synced schemas across environments

Schema Linking provides an operationally simple way to maintain trusted, compatible data streams across hybrid and multicloud environments by sharing consistent schemas that sync in real time.

Ensure Kafka data compatibility

Schema Validation delivers a programmatic way of validating and enforcing Schema Registry schemas directly on the Kafka broker and with topic-level granularity. It provides greater control over data quality, which increases the reliability of the entire Kafka ecosystem.

Simplify enterprise schema management

Simplify management for production environments using Control Center as the GUI.

  • Manage Schema Registry: centrally create, edit and view topic schemas, and compare schema versions.
  • Configure Schema Validation: enable the feature at the topic level when creating or editing topics.
