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If you are not using fully managed Apache Kafka® in the Confluent Cloud, then this question on Kafka listener configuration comes up on Stack Overflow and such places a lot, so here’s something to try and help.
tl;dr: You need to set advertised.listeners (or KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS if you’re using Docker images) to the external address (host/IP) so that clients can correctly connect to it. Otherwise, they’ll try to connect to the internal host address—and if that’s not reachable, then problems ensue.
Put another way, courtesy of Spencer Ruport:
LISTENERS are what interfaces Kafka binds to.
ADVERTISED_LISTENERS are how clients can connect.
In this post, I’ll talk about why this is necessary and then show how to do it based on a couple of scenarios—Docker and AWS.
Apache Kafka is a distributed system. Data is read from and written to the leader for a given partition, which could be on any of the brokers in a cluster. When a client (producer/consumer) starts, it will request metadata about which broker is the leader for a partition—and it can do this from any broker. The metadata returned will include the endpoints available for the Leader broker for that partition, and the client will then use those endpoints to connect to the broker to read/write data as required.
It’s these endpoints that cause people trouble. On a single machine, running bare metal (no VMs, no Docker), everything might be the hostname (or just localhost), and it’s easy. But once you move into more complex networking setups and multiple nodes, you have to pay more attention to it. One option is to use KafkaListenerConfigurer, an interface implemented by Spring, to customize how listener endpoints are configured--in this post, I'm going to focus on showing you how to fix broker misconfigurations instead.
Let’s assume you have more than one network. This could be things like:
You need to tell Kafka how the brokers can reach each other but also make sure that external clients (producers/consumers) can reach the broker they need to reach.
The key thing is that when you run a client, the broker you pass to it is just where it’s going to go and get the metadata about brokers in the cluster from. The actual host and IP that it will connect to for reading/writing data is based on the data that the broker passes back in that initial connection—even if it’s just a single node and the broker returned is the same as the one it’s connected to.
For configuring this correctly, you need to understand that Kafka brokers can have multiple listeners. A listener is a combination of:
Let’s check out some config. Often the protocol is used for the listener name too, but here let’s make it nice and clear by using abstract names for the listeners:
I’m using the Docker config names—the equivalents if you’re configuring server.properties directly (e.g., on AWS, etc.) are shown indented in the following list:
Kafka brokers communicate between themselves, usually on the internal network (e.g., Docker network, AWS VPC, etc.). To define which listener to use, specify KAFKA_INTER_BROKER_LISTENER_NAME(inter.broker.listener.name). The host/IP used must be accessible from the broker machine to others.
Kafka clients may well not be local to the broker’s network, and this is where the additional listeners come in.
Each listener will, when connected to, report back the address at which it can be reached. The address at which you reach a broker depends on the network used. If you’re connecting to the broker from an internal network, it’s going to be a different host/IP than when connecting externally.
When connecting to a broker, the listener that will be returned to the client will be the listener to which you connected (based on the port).
kafkacat is a useful tool for exploring this. Using -L, you can see the metadata for the listener to which you connected. Based on the same listener config as above (LISTENER_BOB/LISTENER_FRED), check out the respective entries for broker 0 at: -:
$ kafkacat -b kafka0:9092 \ -L Metadata for all topics (from broker -1: kafka0:9092/bootstrap): 1 brokers: broker 0 at localhost:9092
$ kafkacat -b kafka0:29092 \ -L Metadata for all topics (from broker 0: kafka0:29092/0): 1 brokers: broker 0 at kafka0:29092
You can also use tcpdump to examine the traffic from a client connecting to the broker and spot the hostname that’s returned from the broker.
tl;dr: Even if you can make the initial connection to the broker, the address returned in the metadata may still be for a hostname that is not accessible from your client.
Let’s walk this through step by step.
$ nc -vz ec2-54-191-84-122.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com 9092 found 0 associations found 1 connections: 1: flags=82<CONNECTED,PREFERRED> outif utun5 src port 53352 dst port 9092 rank info not available TCP aux info available
Connection to ec2-54-191-84-122.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com default Kafka port 9092 [tcp/XmlIpcRegSvc] succeeded!
Things are looking good! We run:
echo "test"|kafka-console-producer --broker-list ec2-54-191-84-122.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9092 --topic test
Now…what happens next?
$ echo "test"|kafka-console-producer --broker-list ec2-54-191-84-122.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9092 --topic test >>[2018-07-30 15:08:41,932] ERROR Error when sending message to topic test with key: null, value: 4 bytes with error: (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.ErrorLoggingCallback) org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Expiring 1 record(s) for test-0: 1547 ms has passed since batch creation plus linger time
$ echo "foo"|kafka-console-producer --broker-list ec2-54-191-84-122.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9092 --topic test >> $ kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server ec2-54-191-84-122.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9092 --topic test --from-beginning foo
It works fine! That’s because we are connecting to port 9092, which is configured as the internal listener and thus reports back its hostname as ip-172-31-18-160.us-west-2.compute.internal, which is resolvable from the broker machine (since it’s its own hostname!).
$ kafkacat -b ec2-54-191-84-122.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9092 -L Metadata for all topics (from broker -1: ec2-54-191-84-122.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9092/bootstrap): 1 brokers: broker 0 at ip-172-31-18-160.us-west-2.compute.internal:9092
Clear as day, the internal hostname is returned. This also makes this seemingly confusing error make a lot more sense—connecting to one hostname, getting a lookup error on another:
$ kafkacat -b ec2-54-191-84-122.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9092 -C -t test % ERROR: Local: Host resolution failure: ip-172-31-18-160.us-west-2.compute.internal:9092/0: Failed to resolve 'ip-172-31-18-160.us-west-2.compute.internal:9092': nodename nor servname provided, or not known
Here, we’re using kafkacat in consumer mode (-C) from our local machine to try and read from the topic. As before, because we’re getting the internal listener hostname back from the broker in the metadata, the client cannot resolve that hostname to read/write from.
This is nothing more than a hack to work around a misconfiguration instead of actually fixing it.
If the broker is reporting back a hostname to which the client cannot connect, then hardcoding the hostname/IP combo into the local /etc/hosts may seem like a nice fix. But this is a very brittle and manual solution. What happens when the IP changes, when you move hosts and forget to take the little hack with you, and when other people want to do the same?
It’s much better to understand and actually fix the advertised.listeners setting for your network.
To run within Docker, you will need to configure two listeners for Kafka:
kafka0: image: "confluentinc/cp-enterprise-kafka:5.2.1" ports: - '9092:9092' - '29094:29094' depends_on: - zookeeper environment: KAFKA_BROKER_ID: 0 KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: zookeeper:2181 KAFKA_LISTENERS: LISTENER_BOB://kafka0:29092,LISTENER_FRED://kafka0:9092,LISTENER_ALICE://kafka0:29094 KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS: LISTENER_BOB://kafka0:29092,LISTENER_FRED://localhost:9092,LISTENER_ALICE://never-gonna-give-you-up:29094 KAFKA_LISTENER_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_MAP: LISTENER_BOB:PLAINTEXT,LISTENER_FRED:PLAINTEXT,LISTENER_ALICE:PLAINTEXT KAFKA_INTER_BROKER_LISTENER_NAME: LISTENER_BOB
I’m naming AWS because it’s what the majority of people use, but this applies to any IaaS/cloud solution.
Exactly the same concepts apply here as with Docker. The main difference is that whilst with Docker, the external connections may well be just on localhost (as above), with cloud-hosted Kafka (such as on AWS), the external connection will be from a machine not local to the broker and that needs to be able to connect to the broker.
A further complication is that whilst Docker networks are heavily segregated from that of the host, on IaaS often the external hostname is resolvable internally, making it hit and miss when you may actually encounter these problems.
There are two approaches, depending on whether the external address through which you’re going to connect to the broker is also resolvable locally to all of the brokers on the network (e.g., VPC).
You can get by with one listener here. The existing listener, called PLAINTEXT, just needs overriding to set the advertised hostname (i.e., the one that is passed to inbound clients):
Now connections both internally and externally will use ec2-54-191-84-122.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com for connecting. Because ec2-54-191-84-122.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com can be resolved both locally and externally, things work fine.
You will need to configure two listeners for Kafka:
Here’s an example configuration:
listeners=INTERNAL://,EXTERNAL:// listener.security.protocol.map=INTERNAL:PLAINTEXT,EXTERNAL:PLAINTEXT advertised.listeners=INTERNAL://ip-172-31-18-160.us-west-2.compute.internal:19092,EXTERNAL://ec2-54-191-84-122.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com:9092 inter.broker.listener.name=INTERNAL
Take a look at GitHub. This includes a Docker Compose to bring up a ZooKeeper instance, along with a Kafka broker configured with several listeners.
$ docker-compose exec kafkacat \ kafkacat -b kafka0:29092 \ -L Metadata for all topics (from broker 0: kafka0:29092/0): 1 brokers: broker 0 at kafka0:29092
$ docker-compose exec kafkacat \ kafkacat -b kafka0:9092 \ -L Metadata for all topics (from broker -1: kafka0:9092/bootstrap): 1 brokers: broker 0 at localhost:9092
$ docker run -t --network kafka-listeners_default \ confluentinc/cp-kafkacat \ kafkacat -b kafka0:29094 \ -L Metadata for all topics (from broker -1: kafka0:29094/bootstrap): 1 brokers: broker 0 at never-gonna-give-you-up:29094
I recently referenced this post in a Stack Overflow answer I gave and re-articulated the solution. If you’re still not quite following, check it out, and maybe the second time around I’ll have explained it better 🙂 You can also ask in the Confluent Community Forum for more help.
If you don’t want to worry about all these operational Kafka settings and just want to write cool apps against Kafka that someone else configures, maintains, and optimises for you—check out Confluent Cloud today and use the promo code 60DEVADV to get $60 of additional free usage.* With a scales-to-zero, low-cost, only-pay-for-what-you-stream pricing model, it’s perfect for getting started with Kafka right through to running your largest deployments.
The original version of this post was published on Robin Moffatt’s blog.
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