Version 2.5.4
Plugin type:
Enterprise support:
Confluent supported
Confluent Tested
Apache 2.0
Debezium Community
DocumentationSource code

Debezium MongoDB CDC Source Connector

Debezium’s MongoDB Connector can monitor a MongoDB replica set or a MongoDB sharded cluster for document changes in databases and collections, recording those changes as events in Kafka topics. The connector automatically handles the addition or removal of shards in a sharded cluster, changes in membership of each replica set, elections within each replica set, and awaiting the resolution of communications problems.

Choose how to deploy your Debezium MongoDB CDC Source Connector



The Debezium MongoDB CDC Source Connector is available as a self-hosted connector.

    Confluent Platform

    • Everything in Self-Hosted
    • Access to Confluent proprietary connectors
    • Self-managed Schema Registry
    • Confluent Platform support
    Custom connect

    Confluent Cloud

    • Manage connectors (UI, TF, CLI, REST)
    • Deploy custom connectors
    • Enterprise support for Kafka Connect infrastructure
    • Pay-as-you-go
    • Available on AWS and Azure
    • Schema Registry integration
    • Stream Lineage support
    By downloading you agree to the terms of use and software license agreement.