[Webinar] Unlock Data Value Framework for Data Products | Register Now

Online Talk

Mettez vos clusters à l'échelle 10 fois plus facilement grâce à Confluent Cloud


Available On-Demand

Your data streaming platform needs to be truly elastic to match with customer demand. It should scale up with your business’s peak traffic, and back down as demand shrinks. But expanding and shrinking self-managed Kafka clusters comes with many operational considerations—from sizing and provisioning to load balancing, and so much more.

Join this webinar to learn about how Confluent Cloud relieves these manual burdens and makes scaling 10x easier with a truly elastic, cloud-native experience. You’ll learn about:

  • Why data infrastructure elasticity is important to modern-day businesses
  • What manual burdens exist in scaling up and down with self-managed Kafka
  • How Confluent relieved these burdens to make scaling 10x easier in a live demo