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We’re excited to announce the release of ksqlDB 0.10.0, available now in the standalone distribution and on Confluent Cloud! This version includes a first-class Java client, improved Apache Kafka® key […]
More than ever before, people demand immediacy in every aspect of their lives. Expectations for how we shop, bank, and commute have completely evolved over the last decade. When you […]
Most organisations maintain fleets, a collection of vehicles put to use for day-to-day operations. Telcos use a variety of vehicles including cars, vans, and trucks for service, delivery, and maintenance. […]
This is the second of a series of posts (part 1 | part 3) that dive deep into key improvements made to ksqlDB to prepare for production availability in Confluent […]
Recently, I’ve been looking at what’s possible with streams of Wi-Fi packet capture (pcap) data. I was prompted after initially setting up my Raspberry Pi to capture pcap data and […]
Using a powerful, event-driven application can help you unlock insights contained in the event streams of your business. Before we get into the technology, let’s go over some questions you […]
We’re pleased to announce the release of ksqlDB 0.9.0! This version includes support for multi-join statements, enhanced LIKE expressions, and a host of usability improvements. We’ll go through a few […]
Imagine you’ve got a stream of data; it’s not “big data,” but it’s certainly a lot. Within the data, you’ve got some bits you’re interested in, and of those bits, […]
Everyone wants their infrastructure to be highly available, and ksqlDB is no different. But crucial properties like high availability don’t come without a thoughtful, rigorous design. We thought hard about […]
One of the most critical aspects of any scale-out database is its availability to serve queries during partial failures. Business-critical applications require some measure of resilience to be able to […]
The ksqlDB Engineering Team has been hard at work preparing ksqlDB for production availability in Confluent Cloud. This is the first in a series of posts that deep dives into […]
Mainframes are still ubiquitous, used for almost every financial transaction around the world—credit card transactions, billing, payroll, etc. You might think that working on mainframe software would be dull, requiring […]
We are pleased to announce the release of Confluent Platform 5.5. With this release, Confluent makes event streaming more broadly accessible to developers of all backgrounds, enhancing three categories of […]
If you’re like me, you may be accustomed to reading articles about event streaming that are framed by large organizations and mountains of data. We’ve read about how the event […]