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As always, we bring you news, updates and recommended content from the hectic world of Apache Kafka® and stream processing. Sometimes it seems that in Apache Kafka every improvement is […]
Seems that many engineers have “Learn Kafka” on their new year resolution list. This isn’t very surprising. Apache Kafka is a popular technology with many use-cases. Armed with basic Kafka […]
Happy 2017! Wishing you a wonderful year full of fast and scalable data streams. Many things have happened since we last shared the state of Apache Kafka® and the streams […]
Last month the Apache Kafka community released version, the announcement blog contains a good description of new features and major improvements. In other exciting news, the PMC for Apache […]
This month the community has been focused on the upcoming release of Apache Kafka Led by the fearless release manager, Jason Gustafson, we voted on a release plan, cut […]
Amazon’s AWS cloud is doing really well. Doing well to the tune of making $2.57 Billion in Q1 2016. That’s 64% up from Q1 last year. Clearly a lot of […]
It is September and it’s evident that everyone is back from their summer vacation! We released Apache Kafka which includes fixes of the bugs in the 0.10.0 release. In […]
It is August already, and this marks exactly one year of monthly “Log Compaction” blog posts – summarizing news from the very active Apache Kafka and stream processing community. Hope […]
Last week, Confluent hosted Kafka Summit, the first ever conference to focus on Apache Kafka and stream processing. It was exciting to see the stream processing community coming together in […]
The Apache Kafka community was crazy-busy last month. We released a technical preview of Kafka Streams and then voted on a release plan for Kafka 0.10.0. We accelerated the discussion […]
It was another productive month in the Apache Kafka community. Many of the KIPs that were under active discussion in the last Log Compaction were implemented, reviewed, and merged into […]
Welcome to the February 2016 edition of Log Compaction, a monthly digest of highlights in the Apache Kafka and stream processing community. Got a newsworthy item? Let us know.
When we released Apache Kafka, we talked about all of the big new features we added: the new consumer, Kafka Connect, security features, and much more. What we didn’t […]
Happy 2016! Wishing you a wonderful, highly scalable, and very reliable year. Log Compaction is a monthly digest of highlights in the Apache Kafka and stream processing community. Got a newsworthy item? Let us […]