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This tutorial describes how to set up a sample Spring Boot application in Pivotal Application Service (PAS), which consumes and produces events to an Apache Kafka® cluster running in Pivotal Container Service (PKS). With this tutorial, you can set up your PAS and PKS configurations so that they work with Kafka.
For a tutorial on how to set up a Kafka cluster in PKS, please see How to Deploy Confluent Platform on Pivotal Container Service (PKS) with Confluent Operator.
If you’d like more background on working with Kafka from Spring Boot, you can also check out How to Work with Apache Kafka in your Spring Boot Application.
Starting with the requirements, this tutorial will then go through the specific tasks required to connect PAS applications to Kafka. The sample Spring Boot app is pre-configured to make the setup steps as streamlined as possible.
You’ll review the configuration settings that streamline the deployment so you know what to change for your environment. Afterward, the tutorial will run through some ways to verify your PAS app to Kafka in your PKS setup.
If this is your first time deploying an application to PAS, you’ll need to do the following in order to perform the later steps. If you have already set up your PAS environment or are familiar with PAS, feel free to adjust accordingly.
Performing the following steps will create a ~/.cf/config.json file if you don’t have one created already.
The commands in step 2 are optional depending on you how like to keep things organized. In any case, you should be all set at this point with a ~/.cf/config.json file and may proceed to setting up the sample PAS app with Kafka in PKS.
For more details on the cf CLI, see the documentation.
Run all command line tasks in a terminal unless explicitly stated otherwise.
git clone https://github.com/confluentinc/springboot-kafka-avro && cd springboot-kafka-avro.
cf create-user-provided-service cp -p '{"brokers":"kafka.supergloo.com:9092","jaasconfig":"org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username='test' password='test123',"sr": "http://schemaregistry.supergloo.com:8081";"}'
This UPSI delivers dynamic configuration values to our sample application upon startup. UPSI is an example of the aforementioned PAS-specific requirements. The username and password values of test and test123 used above were the defaults used in the Helm Chart from part 1. These settings might depend on your environment so adjust accordingly.
mvn clean package -DskipTests=true && cf push --no-start
Notice how the --no-start option is sent, as the previously created UPSI service has not yet been bound and attempting to start the application would result in failure.
You should see something similar to the following. Pay attention to the routes output which you’ll need in later steps. In the following example, my routes output was spring-kafka-avro-fluent-hyrax.cfapps.io, but yours will look different.
At this point, your setup is complete. Now, you are ready to verify the installation is successful.
curl -X POST -d 'name=vik&age=33' spring-kafka-avro-fluent-hyrax.cfapps.io/user/publish
Or, change up the name and age values:
curl -X POST -d 'name=todd&age=22' spring-kafka-avro-fluent-hyrax.cfapps.io/user/publish
Or, to flex your Schema Registry integration, notice what happens when you attempt to send values that are not appropriate for the user schema (see src/main/avro/user.avsc):
curl -X POST -d 'name=todd&age=much_younger_than_vik_gotogym' spring-kafka-avro-fluent-hyrax.cfapps.io/user/publish
kafka-avro-console-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka.supergloo.com:9092 --consumer.config kafka.properties --topic users --from-beginning --property schema.registry.url=http://schemaregistry.supergloo.com:8081
Now that you’ve verified your app is up and running and communicating with Kafka (and Schema Registry), let’s examine the configuration and source code by breaking down the setup steps above.
How does your PAS app know which Kafka cluster to use and how to authorize? How does the app know which Schema Registry to use?
First, look to the manifest.yaml file for the env stanza setting of SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: paas.
This will force Spring Boot to reference the src/main/resources/application-pass.yaml for environment configuration settings. In application-pass.yaml, the values for brokers, sr, and jaasconfig appear to be dynamically set, e.g., ${vcap.services.cp.credentials.brokers}. So if you’re thinking there must be string interpolation action happening somehow, I say loudly, “You are correct!” (That was my poor attempt of a Phil Hartman impersonation by the way). The interpolation magic happens on app startup via the UPSI that we created and used to bind our app in step 2 above.
But why does your POST attempt fail when you send an age value that isn’t a number? How/where this is set in the Java code is not visible.
This is due to the schema.registry.url property setting in application-paas.yaml. For more information on Schema Registry, check out How to Use Schema Registry and Avro in Spring Boot Applications.
This tutorial covered how to deploy a Spring Boot microservice app to PAS that produces and consumes from a Kafka cluster running in Pivotal PKS.
And finally, from the “credit-where-credit-is-due” department, much thanks to Sridhar Vennela from Pivotal for his support. I’d also like to thank Viktor Gamov, my colleague at Confluent, for developing the sample application used in this tutorial, and Victoria Yu as well for making me appear more precise and interesting than I usually am.
For more, check out Kafka Tutorials and find full code examples using Kafka, Kafka Streams, and ksqlDB.
To get started with Spring using a more complete distribution of Apache Kafka, you can sign up for Confluent Cloud and use the promo code SPRING200 for an additional $200 of free Confluent Cloud usage.
If you haven’t already, be sure to read part 1 of this series to learn how to deploy Confluent Platform on Pivotal Container Service with Confluent Operator.
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