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Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies?

« Kafka Summit APAC 2021

Microservices became the new black in enterprise architectures. APIs provide functions to other applications or end users. Even if your architecture uses another pattern than microservices, like SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) or Client-Server communication, APIs are used between the different applications and end users.

Apache Kafka plays a key role in modern microservice architectures to build open, scalable, flexible and decoupled real time applications. API Management complements Kafka by providing a way to implement and govern the full life cycle of the APIs.

This session explores how event streaming with Apache Kafka and API Management (including API Gateway and Service Mesh technologies) complement and compete with each other depending on the use case and point of view of the project team. The session concludes exploring the vision of event streaming APIs instead of RPC calls.

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How Confluent Completes Apache Kafka eBook

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