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Easily convert your Kafka topics to Apache Iceberg or Delta tables

Convert streaming Kafka data and associated schemas to Apache Iceberg or Delta tables in a few clicks to feed any data warehouse, data lake, or analytics engine


Topics to tables in a few clicks

Materialize Kafka topics effortlessly into Iceberg and Delta tables for seamless integration into your data ecosystem, simplifying data management and accessibility

Tableflow Topics to Tables

Extend Confluent's data streaming platform to Apache Iceberg and Delta tables

Leverage Stream Governance and serverless Apache Flink to clean, process, or enrich data in-stream so that only high-quality data products land in your data lake


Leverage Tableflow with our partner ecosystem

Expand possibilities with collaborative partner integrations and expertise to feed your real-time data into any data lake or warehouse of your choice


Automate data maintenance & optimization

Continuously optimize read performance with file compaction, maintaining efficient data storage and retrieval by consolidating small files into larger, more manageable ones

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Tableflow is currently in private early access.

Learn more and apply to be considered for the early access program.


Empieza a usar Flink hoy mismo

Las nuevas altas a Confluent Cloud reciben 400 $ para gastar durante sus primeros 30 días. Puedes probarlo gratis sin introducir los datos de tu tarjeta.