Kafka in the Cloud: Why it’s 10x better with Confluent | Find out more
Represent Kafka topics and associated schemas as open table formats such as Apache Iceberg® (GA) or Delta Lake (EA) in a few clicks to feed any data warehouse, data lake, or analytics engine
Simplify the process of representing Kafka topics as Iceberg or Delta tables to form bronze and silver tables, reducing engineering effort and compute costs
Store your fresh, up-to-date Iceberg or Delta tables once, reuse many times with your own compatible storage, ensuring flexibility, cost savings, and security
Leverage our commercial and ecosystem partners to transform bronze or silver tables into gold standard tables for a wide range of AI and analytics use cases
Continuously optimize read performance with file compaction, maintaining efficient data storage and retrieval by consolidating small files into larger, more manageable ones
New signups receive $400 to spend during their first 30 days.