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Confluent Platform for Apache Flink

Third Party Software included in Confluent Manager for Apache Flink 1.0

The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Confluent Manager for Apache Flink® 1.0, along with the license associated with the software.

Included Project License
Angus Activation Registries BSD-3-Clause
ANTLR 4 Runtime BSD-3-Clause
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j 1.x Compatibility API Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j Core Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j SLF4J Binding Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j to SLF4J Adapter Apache-2.0
AspectJ Weaver BSD-3-Clause
Bean Validation API Apache-2.0
Bouncy Castle PKIX APIs (FIPS Distribution) BouncyCastle
Bouncy Castle Provider (FIPS Distribution) BouncyCastle
Bouncy Castle TLS/JSSE APIs (FIPS Distribution) BouncyCastle
Byte Buddy (without dependencies) Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
chill-java Apache-2.0
ClassGraph MIT
ClassMate Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: CRD generator :: Annotation Processor Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: CRD generator :: API Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Generator Annotations Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: HttpClient :: OkHttp Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client API Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Admission Registration, Authentication and Authorization Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: API Extensions Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Apps Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Autoscaling Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Batch Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Certificates Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Common Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Coordination Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Core Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Discovery Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Events Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Extensions Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: FlowControl Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Metrics Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Networking Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Node Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Policy Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: RBAC Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Resource Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Scheduling Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Sigs :: Gateway API Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Storage Class Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 BSD-3-Clause
Flink : Annotations Apache-2.0
Flink : Clients Apache-2.0
Flink : Connectors : File Sink Common Apache-2.0
Flink : Core Apache-2.0
Flink : FileSystems : Hadoop FS Apache-2.0
Flink : Java Apache-2.0
Flink : Kubernetes Apache-2.0
Flink : Metrics : Core Apache-2.0
Flink : Optimizer Apache-2.0
Flink : Queryable state : Client Java Apache-2.0
Flink : RPC : Akka-Loader Apache-2.0
Flink : RPC : Core Apache-2.0
Flink : Runtime Apache-2.0
Flink : Runtime web Apache-2.0
Flink : Streaming Java Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-asm-9 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-guava-32 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-jackson-2 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-netty-4 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-zookeeper-3.8 Apache-2.0
flyway-core Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0
Hibernate Commons Annotations LGPL-2.1 (dynamically linked)
Hibernate ORM - hibernate-community-dialects LGPL-2.1 (dynamically linked)
Hibernate ORM - hibernate-core LGPL-2.1 (dynamically linked)
Hibernate Validator Engine Apache-2.0
HikariCP Apache-2.0
istack common utility code runtime BSD-3-Clause
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: JSR310 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-dataformat-TOML Apache-2.0
Jackson-dataformat-YAML Apache-2.0
jackson-module-jsonSchema Apache-2.0
Jackson-module-parameter-names Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Annotations API EPL-2.0
Jakarta Dependency Injection Apache-2.0
Jakarta Persistence API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Validation API Apache-2.0
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-Clause
jakarta.transaction API EPL-2.0
Jandex: Core Apache-2.0
JavaPoet Apache-2.0
Javassist Apache-2.0
javax.ws.rs-api CDDL-1.0
JAXB Core BSD-3-Clause
JAXB Runtime BSD-3-Clause
JBoss Logging 3 Apache-2.0
JetBrains Java Annotations Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JUL to SLF4J bridge MIT
Kotlin Stdlib Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Common Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk7 Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk8 Apache-2.0
Kryo BSD-2-Clause
Logback Classic Module EPL-1.0
Logback Core Module EPL-1.0
logging-interceptor Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
MapStruct Core Apache-2.0
MapStruct Processor Apache-2.0
mchange-commons-java EPL-1.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-commons Apache-2.0
micrometer-observation Apache-2.0
MinLog BSD-2-Clause
Objenesis Apache-2.0
okhttp Apache-2.0
okio Apache-2.0
Operator SDK - Framework - Core Apache-2.0
Operator SDK - Framework - Plain Java Apache-2.0
Project Lombok MIT
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
quartz Apache-2.0
SnakeYAML Apache-2.0
SnakeYAML Engine Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Spring AOP Apache-2.0
Spring Aspects Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Apache-2.0
Spring Context Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0
Spring Data Core Apache-2.0
Spring Data JPA Apache-2.0
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) Apache-2.0
Spring JDBC Apache-2.0
Spring Object/Relational Mapping Apache-2.0
Spring Transaction Apache-2.0
Spring Web Apache-2.0
Spring Web MVC Apache-2.0
spring-boot Apache-2.0
spring-boot-autoconfigure Apache-2.0
spring-boot-devtools Apache-2.0
spring-boot-starter Apache-2.0
spring-boot-starter-aop Apache-2.0
spring-boot-starter-data-jpa Apache-2.0
spring-boot-starter-jdbc Apache-2.0
spring-boot-starter-json Apache-2.0
spring-boot-starter-logging Apache-2.0
spring-boot-starter-tomcat Apache-2.0
spring-boot-starter-validation Apache-2.0
spring-boot-starter-web Apache-2.0
springdoc-openapi-starter-common Apache-2.0
springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-api Apache-2.0
springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui Apache-2.0
SQLite JDBC Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Adapters :: API Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Adapters :: APT Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Adapters :: Reflect Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Annotations :: Builder Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Annotations :: Resourcecify Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Code generation :: Annotation Processing Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Code generation :: API Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Core Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Model :: Base Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Model :: Model (Base and Builder) Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Model :: Repository Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Model :: Utils Apache-2.0
Swagger UI Apache-2.0
swagger-annotations-jakarta Apache-2.0
swagger-core-jakarta Apache-2.0
swagger-models-jakarta Apache-2.0
tomcat-embed-core Apache-2.0
tomcat-embed-el Apache-2.0
tomcat-embed-websocket Apache-2.0
TXW2 Runtime BSD-3-Clause
webjars-locator-core MIT
zjsonpatch Apache-2.0

Third Party Software included in Confluent Platform for Apache Flink 1.18

The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Confluent Platform for Apache Flink 1.18, along with the license associated with the software.

Included Project License
"Java Concurrency in Practice" book annotations CC-BY-2.5
Aggregate Designer Algorithm Apache-2.0
agrona Apache-2.0
aircompressor Apache-2.0
Aliyun OSS SDK for Java Apache-2.0
aliyun-java-sdk-core Apache-2.0
aliyun-java-sdk-kms Apache-2.0
aliyun-java-sdk-ram Apache-2.0
Alluxio Shaded Libraries - Client Apache-2.0
Android SDK Android-Sdk
@angular/animations MIT
@angular/cdk MIT
@angular/common MIT
@angular/compiler MIT
@angular/core MIT
@angular/forms MIT
@angular/platform-browser MIT
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic MIT
@angular/router MIT
Animal Sniffer Annotations MIT
Annotation 1.0 Apache-2.0
ant Apache-2.0
@ant-design/colors MIT
@ant-design/icons-angular MIT
ANTLR 3 Runtime BSD-2-Clause
ANTLR 4 Runtime BSD-2-Clause
@antv/adjust MIT
@antv/attr MIT
@antv/color-util ISC
@antv/component MIT
@antv/coord MIT
@antv/dom-util MIT
@antv/event-emitter MIT
@antv/g-base ISC
@antv/g-canvas ISC
@antv/g-math ISC
@antv/g-svg ISC
@antv/g2 MIT
@antv/matrix-util ISC
@antv/path-util ISC
@antv/scale MIT
@antv/util ISC
AOP alliance public-domain
Apache Ant Core W3C
Apache Ant Launcher Apache-2.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Avro IPC Apache-2.0
Apache Avro Mapred API Apache-2.0
Apache Beam :: Vendored Dependencies :: gRPC :: 1.48.1 Apache-2.0
Apache Beam :: Vendored Dependencies :: Guava 26.0-jre Apache-2.0
Apache Calcite Avatica Apache-2.0
Apache Calcite Avatica (Shaded) Apache-2.0
Apache Calcite Avatica Metrics Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Daemon Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Net Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Curator Apache-2.0
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API Apache-2.0
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities Apache-2.0
Apache Geronimo JCache Spec 1.0 Apache-2.0
Apache Groovy Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Aliyun OSS support Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Amazon Web Services support Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Azure support Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop HDFS Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop HDFS Client Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop MapReduce Core Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop MiniKDC Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop shaded Guava Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop shaded Protobuf 3.7 Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN API Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN ApplicationHistoryService Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN Client Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN Common Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN Registry Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN ResourceManager Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN Server Common Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN Web Proxy Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Ivy Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j 1.x Compatibility API Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j Core Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j SLF4J Binding Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j Web Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Bundle Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Jackson Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Protobuf Apache-2.0
Apache Pekko Actor Apache-2.0
Apache Pekko Pki Apache-2.0
Apache Pekko Protobuf V3 Apache-2.0
Apache Pekko Remote Apache-2.0
Apache Pekko Slf4j Apache-2.0
Apache Pekko Stream Apache-2.0
Apache Thrift Apache-2.0
Apache Velocity Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
apache-beam Apache-2.0
ApacheDS I18n Apache-2.0
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec Apache-2.0
API Common BSD-3-Clause
ArchUnit Apache-2.0
Arrow Format Apache-2.0
Arrow Memory Apache-2.0
Arrow Memory - Core Apache-2.0
Arrow Memory - Netty Apache-2.0
Arrow Vectors Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
ASM Commons BSD-3-Clause
ASM Core BSD-3-Clause
ASM Tree BSD-3-Clause
asn-one Apache-2.0
AssertJ Core Apache-2.0
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
avro-python3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon DynamoDB Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
beam-model-fn-execution Apache-2.0
beam-model-job-management Apache-2.0
beam-model-pipeline Apache-2.0
beam-runners-core-construction-java Apache-2.0
beam-runners-core-java Apache-2.0
beam-runners-java-fn-execution Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-core Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-fn-execution Apache-2.0
BoneCP :: Core Library Apache-2.0
Bouncy Castle Provider BouncyCastle
Byte Buddy (without dependencies) Apache-2.0
Calcite Core Apache-2.0
Calcite Druid Apache-2.0
Calcite Linq4j Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
chill Apache-2.0
chill-java Apache-2.0
ClassGraph MIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20240524-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
cloudpickle BSD-3-Clause
com.yahoo.datasketches:sketches-core Apache-2.0
commander MIT
Commons DBCP Apache-2.0
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
commons-compiler BSD-3-Clause
config Apache-2.0
configuration Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
Converter: Moshi Apache-2.0
Core :: HTTP Apache-2.0
Core :: HTTP Client Apache-2.0
Core :: IO EPL-1.0
Core :: Rewrite Apache-2.0
Core :: Security Apache-2.0
Core :: Server NCSA
Core :: Utilities MIT
Core :: Utilities :: JSON Apache-2.0
Core :: XML Apache-2.0
core-js MIT
csstype MIT
@ctrl/tinycolor MIT
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
Cython Apache-2.0
d3 ISC
d3-array ISC
d3-axis ISC
d3-brush ISC
d3-chord ISC
d3-collection BSD-3-Clause
d3-color BSD-3-Clause
d3-contour ISC
d3-delaunay ISC
d3-dispatch ISC
d3-drag ISC
d3-dsv ISC
d3-ease BSD-3-Clause
d3-fetch ISC
d3-flame-graph Apache-2.0
d3-force ISC
d3-format ISC
d3-geo MIT
d3-hierarchy ISC
d3-interpolate BSD-3-Clause
d3-path ISC
d3-polygon ISC
d3-quadtree ISC
d3-random ISC
d3-scale ISC
d3-scale-chromatic Apache-2.0
d3-selection BSD-3-Clause
d3-shape ISC
d3-time ISC
d3-time-format ISC
d3-timer BSD-3-Clause
d3-tip MIT
d3-transition ISC
d3-zoom ISC
dagre MIT
Data Mapper for Jackson Apache-2.0
DataNucleus Core Apache-2.0
DataNucleus JDO API plugin Apache-2.0
DataNucleus RDBMS plugin Apache-2.0
date-fns MIT
Deep Dependencies None
delaunator ISC
detect-browser MIT
Disruptor Framework Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
docker-java-api Apache-2.0
docker-java-transport Apache-2.0
docker-java-transport-zerodep Apache-2.0
Duct Tape MIT
Ehcache Apache-2.0
eigenbase-properties Apache-2.0
EL Apache-2.0
Elephant Bird Core Apache-2.0
Elephant Bird Hadoop Compatibility Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
Esri Geometry API for Java Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: HttpClient :: OkHttp Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client API Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Admission Registration, Authentication and Authorization Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: API Extensions Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Apps Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Autoscaling Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Batch Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Certificates Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Common Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Coordination Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Core Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Discovery Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Events Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Extensions Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: FlowControl Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Metrics Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Networking Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Node Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Policy Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: RBAC Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Resource Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Scheduling Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Sigs :: Gateway API Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Storage Class Apache-2.0
fastavro MIT
fastutil Apache-2.0
fecha MIT
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
FlatBuffers Java API Apache-2.0
Flink : Connectors : Base Apache-2.0
Flink : Connectors : Kafka Apache-2.0
Flink : Connectors : SQL : Kafka Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-asm-9 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-force-shading Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-guava-32 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-jackson-2 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-jackson-module-jsonSchema-2 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-netty-4 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-netty-tcnative-dynamic Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-swagger Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-zookeeper-3.8 Apache-2.0
Flogger Apache-2.0
Flogger System Backend Apache-2.0
fst Apache-2.0
gapic-google-cloud-storage-v2 Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (gRPC) Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) Apache-2.0
gcs-connector Apache-2.0
gcsio Apache-2.0
gl-matrix MIT
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-Clause
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core gRPC Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Monitoring Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google Guice - Core Library Apache-2.0
Google Guice - Extensions - Servlet Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google Logger Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Graphite Integration for Metrics Apache-2.0
graphlib MIT
grpc-google-cloud-storage-v2 Apache-2.0
grpcio Apache-2.0
grpcio-tools Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0
Hadoop Metrics2 Reporter for Dropwizard Metrics Apache-2.0
hadoop-apache2 Apache-2.0
Hamcrest Core BSD-2-Clause
HdrHistogram CC0-1.0
High Performance Primitive Collections Apache-2.0
HikariCP Apache-2.0
Hive Classifications Apache-2.0
Hive Common Apache-2.0
Hive Llap Client Apache-2.0
Hive Llap Common Apache-2.0
Hive Llap Tez Apache-2.0
Hive Metastore Apache-2.0
Hive Query Language Apache-2.0
Hive Serde Apache-2.0
Hive Service RPC Apache-2.0
Hive Shims Apache-2.0
Hive Shims 0.23 Apache-2.0
Hive Shims Common Apache-2.0
Hive Shims Scheduler Apache-2.0
Hive Storage API Apache-2.0
Hive Upgrade Acid Apache-2.0
Hive Vector-Code-Gen Utilities Apache-2.0
htrace-core4 Apache-2.0
httplib2 MIT
hudi-presto-bundle Apache-2.0
IAM Service Account Credentials API v1-rev20240227-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
iconv-lite MIT
icu4j BSD-3-Clause
influxdb java bindings MIT
ini4j Apache-2.0
internmap ISC
io.grpc:grpc-alts Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-api Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-auth Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-census Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-core Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-googleapis Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-grpclb Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-inprocess Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-rls Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-services Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-stub Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-util Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-xds Apache-2.0
IRC client library Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: JSR310 Apache-2.0
Jackson Integration for Metrics Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-dataformat-YAML Apache-2.0
JaCoCo :: Agent EPL-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
janino BSD-3-Clause
jasper-compiler Apache-2.0
jasper-runtime Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Authentication SPI for Containers Apache-2.0
Java Native Access Apache-2.0
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0
Java Object Layout: Core MIT
Java Servlet API Apache-2.0
Java Transaction API CDDL-1.0
java-util Apache-2.0
java-xmlbuilder Apache-2.0
JavaBeans Activation Framework API jar GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaMail API (compat) CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JavaServlet(TM) Specification GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Javassist Apache-2.0
javax.inject Apache-2.0
Javolution SAX-PD
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type Apache-2.0
JCIP Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
jcublas MIT
jcuda MIT
jdk.tools:jdk.tools CDDL-1.1
JDO API Apache-2.0
JDOM Apache-2.0
jersey-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-guice CDDL-1.0
jersey-json CDDL-1.0
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
JetBrains Java Annotations Apache-2.0
JetS3t Apache-2.0
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Aggregate :: All core Jetty Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Servlet Handling Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Webapp Application Support Apache-2.0
Jetty Orbit :: Servlet API Apache-2.0
Jetty Server Apache-2.0
Jetty SSLEngine Apache-2.0
Jetty Utilities Apache-2.0
JLine Apache-2.0
JLine Reader BSD-3-Clause
JLine Terminal BSD-3-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
jmxutils Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
JPam Apache-2.0
JSch Apache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
json-io Apache-2.0
json-path Apache-2.0
JSON.simple Apache-2.0
jsp-api GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JTA 1.1 Apache-2.0
JUnit EPL-1.0
JVM Integration for Metrics Apache-2.0
kafka-schema-registry-client Apache-2.0
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Kryo BSD-2-Clause
leveldbjni-all Apache-2.0
lodash MIT
log Apache-2.0
logging-interceptor Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
memory Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Apache-2.0
Microsoft Azure SDK for Key Vault Core MIT
Microsoft Azure Storage Client SDK Apache-2.0
Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server MIT
MinLog BSD-2-Clause
monaco-editor MIT
moshi Apache-2.0
msgpack-core Apache-2.0
Netty/All-in-One Apache-2.0
Netty/Buffer Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/DNS Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HAProxy Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP2 Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Memcache Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/MQTT Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Redis Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/SMTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Socks Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Stomp Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/XML Apache-2.0
Netty/Common Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler/Proxy Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver/DNS Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Classes/MacOS Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Native/MacOS Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Classes/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Classes/KQueue Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/RXTX Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/SCTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/UDT Apache-2.0
ng-zorro-antd MIT
Nimbus JOSE+JWT Apache-2.0
Nimbus LangTag Apache-2.0
Objenesis Apache-2.0
okhttp Apache-2.0
OkHttp Apache-2.0
okio Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Open JSON Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
opencsv Apache-2.0
OpenTracing API Apache-2.0
OpenTracing-noop Apache-2.0
OpenTracing-util Apache-2.0
ORC Core Apache-2.0
ORC Shims Apache-2.0
org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api Apache-2.0
org.conscrypt:conscrypt-openjdk-uber Apache-2.0
org.immutables.value Apache-2.0
org.immutables.value-annotations Apache-2.0
org.locationtech.jts:jts-core BSD-3-Clause
org.opentest4j:opentest4j Apache-2.0
oro Apache-1.1
oshi-core MIT
ParaNamer Core BSD-3-Clause
parse5 MIT
PemJa Apache-2.0
pemja Apache-2.0
perfmark:perfmark-api Apache-2.0
pip MIT
presto-common Apache-2.0
presto-hive Apache-2.0
presto-hive-common Apache-2.0
presto-hive-metastore Apache-2.0
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Apache-2.0
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Common Apache-2.0
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Httpserver Apache-2.0
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Pushgateway Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-monitoring-v3 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-storage-v2 Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
protobuf Protobuf
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
py4j BSD-3-Clause
pyarrow Apache-2.0
pyrolite MIT
pytest MIT
python-dateutil Apache-2.0
pytz MIT
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
reactive-streams MIT-0
Retrofit Apache-2.0
robust-predicates Unlicense
RocksDB JNI Apache-2.0
rw BSD-3-Clause
rxjs Apache-2.0
safer-buffer MIT
Scala Compiler BSD-3-Clause
Scala Library BSD-3-Clause
Scala Reflect BSD-2-Clause
scala-java8-compat Apache-2.0
scala-parser-combinators BSD-3-Clause
scala-xml BSD-2-Clause
setuptools Apache-2.0
slice Apache-2.0
SnakeYAML Apache-2.0
SnakeYAML Engine Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
software.amazon.ion:ion-java Apache-2.0
ssl-config-core Apache-2.0
stats Apache-2.0
StAX API Apache-2.0
Stax2 API BSD-2-Clause
StringTemplate 4 BSD-2-Clause
Testcontainers Core MIT
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-Clause
Token provider Apache-2.0
tpch Apache-2.0
tslib 0BSD
@types/d3-timer MIT
units Apache-2.0
util Apache-2.0
util-hadoop Apache-2.0
utils Apache-2.0
wheel MIT
wildfly-openssl Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
Xerces2-j Apache-2.0
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson Apache-2.0
xml-apis Apache-2.0
xmlenc BSD-2-Clause
XZ for Java public-domain
zjsonpatch Apache-2.0
zone.js MIT
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Third Party Software included in Confluent Platform for Apache Flink 1.19

The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Confluent Platform for Apache Flink 1.19, along with the license associated with the software.

Included Project License
"Java Concurrency in Practice" book annotations CC-BY-2.5
Aggregate Designer Algorithm Apache-2.0
agrona Apache-2.0
aircompressor Apache-2.0
Aliyun OSS SDK for Java Apache-2.0
aliyun-java-sdk-core Apache-2.0
aliyun-java-sdk-kms Apache-2.0
aliyun-java-sdk-ram Apache-2.0
Alluxio Shaded Libraries - Client Apache-2.0
Android SDK Android-Sdk
@angular/animations MIT
@angular/cdk MIT
@angular/common MIT
@angular/compiler MIT
@angular/core MIT
@angular/forms MIT
@angular/platform-browser MIT
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic MIT
@angular/router MIT
Animal Sniffer Annotations MIT
Annotation 1.0 Apache-2.0
ant Apache-2.0
@ant-design/colors MIT
@ant-design/icons-angular MIT
ANTLR 3 Runtime BSD-2-Clause
ANTLR 4 Runtime BSD-2-Clause
@antv/adjust MIT
@antv/attr MIT
@antv/color-util ISC
@antv/component MIT
@antv/coord MIT
@antv/dom-util MIT
@antv/event-emitter MIT
@antv/g-base ISC
@antv/g-canvas ISC
@antv/g-math ISC
@antv/g-svg ISC
@antv/g2 MIT
@antv/matrix-util ISC
@antv/path-util ISC
@antv/scale MIT
@antv/util ISC
AOP alliance public-domain
Apache Ant Core W3C
Apache Ant Launcher Apache-2.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Avro IPC Apache-2.0
Apache Avro Mapred API Apache-2.0
Apache Beam :: Vendored Dependencies :: gRPC :: 1.48.1 Apache-2.0
Apache Beam :: Vendored Dependencies :: Guava 26.0-jre Apache-2.0
Apache Calcite Avatica Apache-2.0
Apache Calcite Avatica (Shaded) Apache-2.0
Apache Calcite Avatica Metrics Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Daemon Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Net Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Curator Apache-2.0
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API Apache-2.0
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities Apache-2.0
Apache Geronimo JCache Spec 1.0 Apache-2.0
Apache Groovy Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Aliyun OSS support Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Amazon Web Services support Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Azure support Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop HDFS Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop HDFS Client Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop MapReduce Core Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop MiniKDC Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop shaded Guava Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop shaded Protobuf 3.7 Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN API Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN ApplicationHistoryService Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN Client Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN Common Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN Registry Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN ResourceManager Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN Server Common Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop YARN Web Proxy Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Ivy Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j 1.x Compatibility API Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j Core Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j SLF4J Binding Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j Web Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Bundle Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Jackson Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Protobuf Apache-2.0
Apache Pekko Actor Apache-2.0
Apache Pekko Pki Apache-2.0
Apache Pekko Protobuf V3 Apache-2.0
Apache Pekko Remote Apache-2.0
Apache Pekko Slf4j Apache-2.0
Apache Pekko Stream Apache-2.0
Apache Thrift Apache-2.0
Apache Velocity Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
apache-beam Apache-2.0
ApacheDS I18n Apache-2.0
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec Apache-2.0
API Common BSD-3-Clause
ArchUnit Apache-2.0
Arrow Format Apache-2.0
Arrow Memory Apache-2.0
Arrow Memory - Core Apache-2.0
Arrow Memory - Netty Apache-2.0
Arrow Vectors Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
ASM Commons BSD-3-Clause
ASM Core BSD-3-Clause
ASM Tree BSD-3-Clause
asn-one Apache-2.0
AssertJ Core Apache-2.0
async-profiler Apache-2.0
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
avro-python3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon DynamoDB Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
beam-model-fn-execution Apache-2.0
beam-model-job-management Apache-2.0
beam-model-pipeline Apache-2.0
beam-runners-core-construction-java Apache-2.0
beam-runners-core-java Apache-2.0
beam-runners-java-fn-execution Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-core Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-fn-execution Apache-2.0
BoneCP :: Core Library Apache-2.0
Bouncy Castle Provider BouncyCastle
Byte Buddy (without dependencies) Apache-2.0
Calcite Core Apache-2.0
Calcite Druid Apache-2.0
Calcite Linq4j Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
chill Apache-2.0
chill-java Apache-2.0
ClassGraph MIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20240524-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
cloudpickle BSD-3-Clause
com.yahoo.datasketches:sketches-core Apache-2.0
commander MIT
Commons DBCP Apache-2.0
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
commons-compiler BSD-3-Clause
config Apache-2.0
configuration Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
Converter: Moshi Apache-2.0
Core :: HTTP Apache-2.0
Core :: HTTP Client Apache-2.0
Core :: IO EPL-1.0
Core :: Rewrite Apache-2.0
Core :: Security Apache-2.0
Core :: Server NCSA
Core :: Utilities MIT
Core :: Utilities :: JSON Apache-2.0
Core :: XML Apache-2.0
core-js MIT
csstype MIT
@ctrl/tinycolor MIT
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
Curator Testing Apache-2.0
Cython Apache-2.0
d3 ISC
d3-array ISC
d3-axis ISC
d3-brush ISC
d3-chord ISC
d3-collection BSD-3-Clause
d3-color BSD-3-Clause
d3-contour ISC
d3-delaunay ISC
d3-dispatch ISC
d3-drag ISC
d3-dsv ISC
d3-ease BSD-3-Clause
d3-fetch ISC
d3-flame-graph Apache-2.0
d3-force ISC
d3-format ISC
d3-geo MIT
d3-hierarchy ISC
d3-interpolate BSD-3-Clause
d3-path ISC
d3-polygon ISC
d3-quadtree ISC
d3-random ISC
d3-scale ISC
d3-scale-chromatic Apache-2.0
d3-selection BSD-3-Clause
d3-shape ISC
d3-time ISC
d3-time-format ISC
d3-timer BSD-3-Clause
d3-tip MIT
d3-transition ISC
d3-zoom ISC
dagre MIT
Data Mapper for Jackson Apache-2.0
DataNucleus Core Apache-2.0
DataNucleus JDO API plugin Apache-2.0
DataNucleus RDBMS plugin Apache-2.0
date-fns MIT
Deep Dependencies None
delaunator ISC
detect-browser MIT
Disruptor Framework Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
docker-java-api Apache-2.0
docker-java-transport Apache-2.0
docker-java-transport-zerodep Apache-2.0
Duct Tape MIT
Ehcache Apache-2.0
eigenbase-properties Apache-2.0
EL Apache-2.0
Elephant Bird Core Apache-2.0
Elephant Bird Hadoop Compatibility Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
Esri Geometry API for Java Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: HttpClient :: OkHttp Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client API Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Admission Registration, Authentication and Authorization Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: API Extensions Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Apps Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Autoscaling Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Batch Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Certificates Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Common Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Coordination Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Core Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Discovery Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Events Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Extensions Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: FlowControl Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Metrics Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Networking Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Node Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Policy Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: RBAC Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Resource Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Scheduling Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Sigs :: Gateway API Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Storage Class Apache-2.0
fastavro MIT
fastutil Apache-2.0
fecha MIT
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
FlatBuffers Java API Apache-2.0
Flink : Connectors : Base Apache-2.0
Flink : Connectors : Kafka Apache-2.0
Flink : Connectors : SQL : Kafka Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-asm-9 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-force-shading Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-guava-32 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-jackson-2 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-jackson-module-jsonSchema-2 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-netty-4 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-netty-tcnative-dynamic Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-swagger Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-zookeeper-3.8 Apache-2.0
Flogger Apache-2.0
Flogger System Backend Apache-2.0
fst Apache-2.0
gapic-google-cloud-storage-v2 Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (gRPC) Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) Apache-2.0
gcs-connector Apache-2.0
gcsio Apache-2.0
gl-matrix MIT
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-Clause
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core gRPC Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Monitoring Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google Guice - Core Library Apache-2.0
Google Guice - Extensions - Servlet Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google Logger Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Graphite Integration for Metrics Apache-2.0
graphlib MIT
grpc-google-cloud-storage-v2 Apache-2.0
grpcio Apache-2.0
grpcio-tools Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0
Hadoop Metrics2 Reporter for Dropwizard Metrics Apache-2.0
hadoop-apache2 Apache-2.0
Hamcrest Core BSD-2-Clause
HdrHistogram CC0-1.0
High Performance Primitive Collections Apache-2.0
HikariCP Apache-2.0
Hive Classifications Apache-2.0
Hive Common Apache-2.0
Hive Llap Client Apache-2.0
Hive Llap Common Apache-2.0
Hive Llap Tez Apache-2.0
Hive Metastore Apache-2.0
Hive Query Language BSD-3-Clause
Hive Serde Apache-2.0
Hive Service RPC Apache-2.0
Hive Shims Apache-2.0
Hive Shims 0.23 Apache-2.0
Hive Shims Common Apache-2.0
Hive Shims Scheduler Apache-2.0
Hive Storage API Apache-2.0
Hive Upgrade Acid Apache-2.0
Hive Vector-Code-Gen Utilities Apache-2.0
htrace-core4 Apache-2.0
httplib2 MIT
hudi-presto-bundle Apache-2.0
IAM Service Account Credentials API v1-rev20240227-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
iconv-lite MIT
icu4j BSD-3-Clause
influxdb java bindings MIT
ini4j Apache-2.0
internmap ISC
io.grpc:grpc-alts Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-api Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-auth Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-census Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-core Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-googleapis Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-grpclb Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-inprocess Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-rls Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-services Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-stub Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-util Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-xds Apache-2.0
IRC client library Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: JSR310 Apache-2.0
Jackson Integration for Metrics Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-dataformat-YAML Apache-2.0
JaCoCo :: Agent EPL-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
janino BSD-3-Clause
jasper-compiler Apache-2.0
jasper-runtime Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Authentication SPI for Containers Apache-2.0
Java Native Access Apache-2.0
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0
Java Object Layout: Core MIT
Java Servlet API Apache-2.0
Java Transaction API CDDL-1.0
java-util Apache-2.0
java-xmlbuilder Apache-2.0
JavaBeans Activation Framework API jar GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaMail API (compat) CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JavaServlet(TM) Specification GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Javassist Apache-2.0
javax.inject Apache-2.0
Javolution SAX-PD
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type Apache-2.0
JCIP Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
jcublas MIT
jcuda MIT
jdk.tools:jdk.tools CDDL-1.1
JDO API Apache-2.0
JDOM Apache-2.0
jersey-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-guice CDDL-1.0
jersey-json CDDL-1.0
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
JetBrains Java Annotations Apache-2.0
JetS3t Apache-2.0
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Aggregate :: All core Jetty Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Servlet Handling Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Webapp Application Support Apache-2.0
Jetty Orbit :: Servlet API Apache-2.0
Jetty Server Apache-2.0
Jetty SSLEngine Apache-2.0
Jetty Utilities Apache-2.0
JLine Apache-2.0
JLine Reader BSD-3-Clause
JLine Terminal BSD-3-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
jmxutils Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
JPam Apache-2.0
JSch Apache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
json-io Apache-2.0
json-path Apache-2.0
JSON.simple Apache-2.0
jsp-api GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JTA 1.1 Apache-2.0
JUnit EPL-1.0
JVM Integration for Metrics Apache-2.0
kafka-schema-registry-client Apache-2.0
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Kryo BSD-2-Clause
leveldbjni-all Apache-2.0
lodash MIT
log Apache-2.0
logging-interceptor Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
memory Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Apache-2.0
Microsoft Azure SDK for Key Vault Core MIT
Microsoft Azure Storage Client SDK Apache-2.0
Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server MIT
MinLog BSD-2-Clause
monaco-editor MIT
moshi Apache-2.0
msgpack-core Apache-2.0
Netty/All-in-One Apache-2.0
Netty/Buffer Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/DNS Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HAProxy Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP2 Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Memcache Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/MQTT Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Redis Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/SMTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Socks Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Stomp Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/XML Apache-2.0
Netty/Common Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler/Proxy Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler/Ssl/Ocsp Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver/DNS Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Classes/MacOS Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Native/MacOS Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Classes/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Classes/KQueue Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/RXTX Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/SCTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/UDT Apache-2.0
ng-zorro-antd MIT
Nimbus JOSE+JWT Apache-2.0
Nimbus LangTag Apache-2.0
Objenesis Apache-2.0
okhttp Apache-2.0
OkHttp Apache-2.0
okio Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Open JSON Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
opencsv Apache-2.0
OpenTracing API Apache-2.0
OpenTracing-noop Apache-2.0
OpenTracing-util Apache-2.0
ORC Core Apache-2.0
ORC Shims Apache-2.0
org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api Apache-2.0
org.conscrypt:conscrypt-openjdk-uber Apache-2.0
org.immutables.value Apache-2.0
org.immutables.value-annotations Apache-2.0
org.locationtech.jts:jts-core BSD-3-Clause
org.opentest4j:opentest4j Apache-2.0
oro Apache-1.1
oshi-core MIT
ParaNamer Core BSD-3-Clause
parse5 MIT
PemJa Apache-2.0
pemja Apache-2.0
perfmark:perfmark-api Apache-2.0
pip MIT
presto-common Apache-2.0
presto-hive Apache-2.0
presto-hive-common Apache-2.0
presto-hive-metastore Apache-2.0
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Apache-2.0
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Common Apache-2.0
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Httpserver Apache-2.0
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Pushgateway Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-monitoring-v3 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-storage-v2 Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
protobuf Protobuf
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
py4j BSD-3-Clause
pyarrow Apache-2.0
pyrolite MIT
pytest MIT
python-dateutil Apache-2.0
pytz MIT
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
reactive-streams MIT-0
Retrofit Apache-2.0
robust-predicates Unlicense
RocksDB JNI Apache-2.0
ruamel.yaml MIT
rw BSD-3-Clause
rxjs Apache-2.0
safer-buffer MIT
Scala Compiler BSD-3-Clause
Scala Library BSD-3-Clause
Scala Reflect BSD-2-Clause
scala-java8-compat Apache-2.0
scala-parser-combinators BSD-3-Clause
scala-xml BSD-2-Clause
setuptools Apache-2.0
slice Apache-2.0
SnakeYAML Apache-2.0
SnakeYAML Engine Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
software.amazon.ion:ion-java Apache-2.0
ssl-config-core Apache-2.0
stats Apache-2.0
StAX API Apache-2.0
Stax2 API BSD-2-Clause
StringTemplate 4 BSD-2-Clause
Testcontainers Core MIT
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-Clause
Token provider Apache-2.0
tpch Apache-2.0
tslib 0BSD
@types/d3-timer MIT
units Apache-2.0
util Apache-2.0
util-hadoop Apache-2.0
utils Apache-2.0
wheel MIT
wildfly-openssl Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
Xerces2-j Apache-2.0
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson Apache-2.0
xml-apis Apache-2.0
xmlenc BSD-2-Clause
XZ for Java public-domain
zjsonpatch Apache-2.0
zone.js MIT
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Confluent Platform for Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.8

The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Confluent Platform for Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.8, along with the license associated with the software.

Included Project License
Android SDK Android-Sdk
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Beam :: Vendored Dependencies :: gRPC :: 1.48.1 EPL-1.0
Apache Beam :: Vendored Dependencies :: Guava 26.0-jre Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CSV Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j 1.x Compatibility API Apache-2.0
API Common BSD-3-Clause
args4j MIT
Arrow Format Apache-2.0
Arrow Memory - Core Apache-2.0
Arrow Vectors Apache-2.0
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
AutoValue Processor Apache-2.0
beam-examples-java Apache-2.0
beam-model-fn-execution Apache-2.0
beam-model-job-management Apache-2.0
beam-model-pipeline Apache-2.0
beam-runners-core-construction-java Apache-2.0
beam-runners-core-java Apache-2.0
beam-runners-flink-1.15 Apache-2.0
beam-runners-java-fn-execution Apache-2.0
beam-runners-java-job-service Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-core Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-expansion-service Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-extensions-arrow Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-extensions-google-cloud-platform-core Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-extensions-ml Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-extensions-python Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-fn-execution Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-io-google-cloud-platform Apache-2.0
beam-sdks-java-io-kafka Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20240602-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
BigQuery Storage Apache-2.0
Bouncy Castle PKIX, CMS, EAC, TSP, PKCS, OCSP, CMP, and CRMF APIs BouncyCastle
Bouncy Castle Provider MIT
c3p0 EPL-1.0
Checker Qual MIT
ClassGraph MIT
Cloud Healthcare API v1-rev20240429-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Cloud Pub/Sub API v1-rev20231019-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Cloud Resource Manager API v3-rev20240310-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20240524-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
com.google.cloud.bigtable:bigtable-client-core Apache-2.0
com.google.cloud.bigtable:bigtable-metrics-api Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
config Apache-2.0
Data Mapper for Jackson Apache-2.0
datastore-v1-proto-client Apache-2.0
Disruptor Framework Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: CRD generator :: Annotation Processor Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: CRD generator :: API Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Generator Annotations Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: HttpClient :: OkHttp Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client API Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Common Apache-2.0
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Core Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
FlatBuffers Java API Apache-2.0
Flink : Annotations Apache-2.0
Flink : Clients Apache-2.0
Flink : Connectors : File Sink Common Apache-2.0
Flink : Core Apache-2.0
Flink : FileSystems : Hadoop FS Apache-2.0
Flink : Java Apache-2.0
Flink : Metrics : Core Apache-2.0
Flink : Optimizer Apache-2.0
Flink : Queryable state : Client Java Apache-2.0
Flink : RPC : Akka-Loader Apache-2.0
Flink : RPC : Core Apache-2.0
Flink : Runtime Apache-2.0
Flink : Streaming Java Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-asm-9 Apache-2.0
flink-shaded-force-shading Apache-2.0
Flogger Apache-2.0
Flogger System Backend Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-3-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (gRPC) BSD-3-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-3-Clause
gcsio Apache-2.0
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-2-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-2-Clause
Google Cloud Bigtable Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core gRPC Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Firestore Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Monitoring Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Pub/Sub Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Pub/Sub Lite Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Spanner Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google Logger Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
google-cloud-bigtable-stats Apache-2.0
gRPC extension library for Google Cloud Platform Apache-2.0
grpc-google-cloud-bigquerystorage-v1 Apache-2.0
grpc-google-cloud-bigquerystorage-v1beta1 Apache-2.0
grpc-google-cloud-bigquerystorage-v1beta2 Apache-2.0
grpc-google-cloud-bigtable-admin-v2 Apache-2.0
grpc-google-cloud-bigtable-v2 Apache-2.0
grpc-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 Apache-2.0
grpc-google-cloud-pubsublite-v1 Apache-2.0
grpc-google-cloud-spanner-admin-database-v1 Apache-2.0
grpc-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1 Apache-2.0
grpc-google-cloud-spanner-v1 Apache-2.0
grpc-google-cloud-storage-v2 Apache-2.0
grpc-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
HikariCP Apache-2.0
IAM Service Account Credentials API v1-rev20240227-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-alts Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-api Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-auth Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-census Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-core Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-googleapis Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-grpclb Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-netty Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-rls Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-services Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-stub Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-xds Apache-2.0
Jackson Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: Joda Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-dataformat-YAML Apache-2.0
JavaPoet Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
kafka-avro-serializer Apache-2.0
kafka-schema-registry-client Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Common Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk7 Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk8 Apache-2.0
Kryo BSD-2-Clause
Kubernetes Webhooks Framework - Core Apache-2.0
mchange-commons-java EPL-1.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP2 Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Socks Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler/Proxy Apache-2.0
Netty/TomcatNative [BoringSSL - Static] Apache-2.0
Netty/TomcatNative [OpenSSL - Classes] Apache-2.0
okhttp Apache-2.0
okio Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
Operator SDK - Framework - Core Apache-2.0
Operator SDK - Framework - Plain Java Apache-2.0
org.conscrypt:conscrypt-openjdk-uber Apache-2.0
ParaNamer Core BSD-3-Clause
perfmark:perfmark-api Apache-2.0
Project Lombok MIT
proto-google-cloud-bigquerystorage-v1 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-bigquerystorage-v1beta1 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-bigquerystorage-v1beta2 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-bigtable-admin-v2 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-bigtable-v2 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-datastore-v1 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-firestore-bundle-v1 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-firestore-v1 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-language-v1 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-monitoring-v3 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-pubsublite-v1 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-spanner-admin-database-v1 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-spanner-v1 Apache-2.0
proto-google-cloud-storage-v2 Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffer extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
quartz Apache-2.0
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Spring Core Apache-2.0
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Adapters :: API Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Adapters :: APT Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Adapters :: Reflect Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Annotations :: Builder Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Annotations :: Resourcecify Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Code generation :: Annotation Processing Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Code generation :: API Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Core Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Model :: Base Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Model :: Model (Base and Builder) Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Model :: Repository Apache-2.0
Sundrio :: Model :: Utils Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-2-Clause
util Apache-2.0
utils Apache-2.0
XZ for Java public-domain
ZkClient Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Confluent Platform for Apache Kafka Connector for Apache Flink 3.2

The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Confluent Platform for Apache Kafka Connector for Apache Flink 3.2, along with the license associated with the software.

Included Project License
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
Deep Dependencies None
docker-java-transport-zerodep Apache-2.0
Duct Tape MIT
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: JSR310 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
JUnit EPL-1.0
Kryo BSD-2-Clause
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Testcontainers Core MIT
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause