[Webinar] Beherrsche die Grundlagen von Apache Kafka® mit Confluent | Jetzt registrieren
The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Confluent Manager for Apache Flink® 1.0, along with the license associated with the software.
Included Project | License |
Angus Activation Registries | BSD-3-Clause |
ANTLR 4 Runtime | BSD-3-Clause |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Text | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Kafka | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j 1.x Compatibility API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j Core | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j SLF4J Binding | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j to SLF4J Adapter | Apache-2.0 |
AspectJ Weaver | BSD-3-Clause |
Bean Validation API | Apache-2.0 |
Bouncy Castle PKIX APIs (FIPS Distribution) | BouncyCastle |
Bouncy Castle Provider (FIPS Distribution) | BouncyCastle |
Bouncy Castle TLS/JSSE APIs (FIPS Distribution) | BouncyCastle |
Byte Buddy (without dependencies) | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
chill-java | Apache-2.0 |
ClassGraph | MIT |
ClassMate | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: CRD generator :: Annotation Processor | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: CRD generator :: API | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Generator Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: HttpClient :: OkHttp | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client API | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Admission Registration, Authentication and Authorization | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: API Extensions | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Apps | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Autoscaling | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Batch | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Certificates | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Common | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Coordination | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Core | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Discovery | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Events | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Extensions | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: FlowControl | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Networking | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Node | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Policy | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: RBAC | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Resource | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Scheduling | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Sigs :: Gateway API | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Storage Class | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | BSD-3-Clause |
Flink : Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Clients | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Connectors : File Sink Common | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Core | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : FileSystems : Hadoop FS | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Java | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Kubernetes | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Metrics : Core | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Optimizer | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Queryable state : Client Java | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : RPC : Akka-Loader | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : RPC : Core | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Runtime | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Runtime web | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Streaming Java | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-asm-9 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-guava-32 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-jackson-2 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-netty-4 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-zookeeper-3.8 | Apache-2.0 |
flyway-core | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Hibernate Commons Annotations | LGPL-2.1 (dynamically linked) |
Hibernate ORM - hibernate-community-dialects | LGPL-2.1 (dynamically linked) |
Hibernate ORM - hibernate-core | LGPL-2.1 (dynamically linked) |
Hibernate Validator Engine | Apache-2.0 |
HikariCP | Apache-2.0 |
istack common utility code runtime | BSD-3-Clause |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: jdk8 | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: JSR310 | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-dataformat-TOML | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-dataformat-YAML | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-module-jsonSchema | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-module-parameter-names | Apache-2.0 |
Jakarta Activation API | BSD-3-Clause |
Jakarta Annotations API | EPL-2.0 |
Jakarta Dependency Injection | Apache-2.0 |
Jakarta Persistence API | BSD-3-Clause |
Jakarta Validation API | Apache-2.0 |
Jakarta XML Binding API | BSD-3-Clause |
jakarta.transaction API | EPL-2.0 |
Jandex: Core | Apache-2.0 |
JavaPoet | Apache-2.0 |
Javassist | Apache-2.0 |
javax.ws.rs-api | CDDL-1.0 |
JAXB Core | BSD-3-Clause |
JAXB Runtime | BSD-3-Clause |
JBoss Logging 3 | Apache-2.0 |
JetBrains Java Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JUL to SLF4J bridge | MIT |
Kotlin Stdlib | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk7 | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk8 | Apache-2.0 |
Kryo | BSD-2-Clause |
Logback Classic Module | EPL-1.0 |
Logback Core Module | EPL-1.0 |
logging-interceptor | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
MapStruct Core | Apache-2.0 |
MapStruct Processor | Apache-2.0 |
mchange-commons-java | EPL-1.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
micrometer-commons | Apache-2.0 |
micrometer-observation | Apache-2.0 |
MinLog | BSD-2-Clause |
Objenesis | Apache-2.0 |
okhttp | Apache-2.0 |
okio | Apache-2.0 |
Operator SDK - Framework - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Operator SDK - Framework - Plain Java | Apache-2.0 |
Project Lombok | MIT |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
quartz | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SnakeYAML | Apache-2.0 |
SnakeYAML Engine | Apache-2.0 |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Spring AOP | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Aspects | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Beans | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Commons Logging Bridge | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Context | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Core | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Data Core | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Data JPA | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) | Apache-2.0 |
Spring JDBC | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Object/Relational Mapping | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Transaction | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Web | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Web MVC | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-autoconfigure | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-devtools | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter-aop | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter-data-jpa | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter-jdbc | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter-json | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter-logging | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter-tomcat | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter-validation | Apache-2.0 |
spring-boot-starter-web | Apache-2.0 |
springdoc-openapi-starter-common | Apache-2.0 |
springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-api | Apache-2.0 |
springdoc-openapi-starter-webmvc-ui | Apache-2.0 |
SQLite JDBC | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Adapters :: API | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Adapters :: APT | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Adapters :: Reflect | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Annotations :: Builder | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Annotations :: Resourcecify | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Code generation :: Annotation Processing | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Code generation :: API | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Core | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Model :: Base | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Model :: Model (Base and Builder) | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Model :: Repository | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Model :: Utils | Apache-2.0 |
Swagger UI | Apache-2.0 |
swagger-annotations-jakarta | Apache-2.0 |
swagger-core-jakarta | Apache-2.0 |
swagger-models-jakarta | Apache-2.0 |
tomcat-embed-core | Apache-2.0 |
tomcat-embed-el | Apache-2.0 |
tomcat-embed-websocket | Apache-2.0 |
TXW2 Runtime | BSD-3-Clause |
webjars-locator-core | MIT |
zjsonpatch | Apache-2.0 |
The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Confluent Platform for Apache Flink 1.18, along with the license associated with the software.
Included Project | License |
"Java Concurrency in Practice" book annotations | CC-BY-2.5 |
Aggregate Designer Algorithm | Apache-2.0 |
agrona | Apache-2.0 |
aircompressor | Apache-2.0 |
Aliyun OSS SDK for Java | Apache-2.0 |
aliyun-java-sdk-core | Apache-2.0 |
aliyun-java-sdk-kms | Apache-2.0 |
aliyun-java-sdk-ram | Apache-2.0 |
Alluxio Shaded Libraries - Client | Apache-2.0 |
Android SDK | Android-Sdk |
@angular/animations | MIT |
@angular/cdk | MIT |
@angular/common | MIT |
@angular/compiler | MIT |
@angular/core | MIT |
@angular/forms | MIT |
@angular/platform-browser | MIT |
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic | MIT |
@angular/router | MIT |
Animal Sniffer Annotations | MIT |
Annotation 1.0 | Apache-2.0 |
ant | Apache-2.0 |
@ant-design/colors | MIT |
@ant-design/icons-angular | MIT |
ANTLR 3 Runtime | BSD-2-Clause |
ANTLR 4 Runtime | BSD-2-Clause |
@antv/adjust | MIT |
@antv/attr | MIT |
@antv/color-util | ISC |
@antv/component | MIT |
@antv/coord | MIT |
@antv/dom-util | MIT |
@antv/event-emitter | MIT |
@antv/g-base | ISC |
@antv/g-canvas | ISC |
@antv/g-math | ISC |
@antv/g-svg | ISC |
@antv/g2 | MIT |
@antv/matrix-util | ISC |
@antv/path-util | ISC |
@antv/scale | MIT |
@antv/util | ISC |
AOP alliance | public-domain |
Apache Ant Core | W3C |
Apache Ant Launcher | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Avro IPC | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Avro Mapred API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Beam :: Vendored Dependencies :: gRPC :: 1.48.1 | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Beam :: Vendored Dependencies :: Guava 26.0-jre | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Calcite Avatica | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Calcite Avatica (Shaded) | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Calcite Avatica Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Daemon | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Net | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Text | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Curator | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Geronimo JCache Spec 1.0 | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Groovy | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Aliyun OSS support | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Amazon Web Services support | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Azure support | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop HDFS | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop HDFS Client | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop MapReduce Core | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop MiniKDC | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop shaded Guava | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop shaded Protobuf 3.7 | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN ApplicationHistoryService | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN Client | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN Registry | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN ResourceManager | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN Server Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN Web Proxy | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Ivy | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Kafka | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j 1.x Compatibility API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j Core | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j SLF4J Binding | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j Web | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop Bundle | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Protobuf | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Pekko Actor | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Pekko Pki | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Pekko Protobuf V3 | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Pekko Remote | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Pekko Slf4j | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Pekko Stream | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Thrift | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Velocity | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
apache-beam | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS I18n | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec | Apache-2.0 |
API Common | BSD-3-Clause |
ArchUnit | Apache-2.0 |
Arrow Format | Apache-2.0 |
Arrow Memory | Apache-2.0 |
Arrow Memory - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Arrow Memory - Netty | Apache-2.0 |
Arrow Vectors | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
ASM Commons | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM Core | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM Tree | BSD-3-Clause |
asn-one | Apache-2.0 |
AssertJ Core | Apache-2.0 |
AutoValue Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
avro-python3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon DynamoDB | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
beam-model-fn-execution | Apache-2.0 |
beam-model-job-management | Apache-2.0 |
beam-model-pipeline | Apache-2.0 |
beam-runners-core-construction-java | Apache-2.0 |
beam-runners-core-java | Apache-2.0 |
beam-runners-java-fn-execution | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-core | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-fn-execution | Apache-2.0 |
BoneCP :: Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
Bouncy Castle Provider | BouncyCastle |
Byte Buddy (without dependencies) | Apache-2.0 |
Calcite Core | Apache-2.0 |
Calcite Druid | Apache-2.0 |
Calcite Linq4j | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
chill | Apache-2.0 |
chill-java | Apache-2.0 |
ClassGraph | MIT |
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20240524-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
cloudpickle | BSD-3-Clause |
com.yahoo.datasketches:sketches-core | Apache-2.0 |
commander | MIT |
Commons DBCP | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Digester | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
commons-compiler | BSD-3-Clause |
config | Apache-2.0 |
configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Converter: Moshi | Apache-2.0 |
Core :: HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Core :: HTTP Client | Apache-2.0 |
Core :: IO | EPL-1.0 |
Core :: Rewrite | Apache-2.0 |
Core :: Security | Apache-2.0 |
Core :: Server | NCSA |
Core :: Utilities | MIT |
Core :: Utilities :: JSON | Apache-2.0 |
Core :: XML | Apache-2.0 |
core-js | MIT |
csstype | MIT |
@ctrl/tinycolor | MIT |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
Cython | Apache-2.0 |
d3 | ISC |
d3-array | ISC |
d3-axis | ISC |
d3-brush | ISC |
d3-chord | ISC |
d3-collection | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-color | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-contour | ISC |
d3-delaunay | ISC |
d3-dispatch | ISC |
d3-drag | ISC |
d3-dsv | ISC |
d3-ease | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-fetch | ISC |
d3-flame-graph | Apache-2.0 |
d3-force | ISC |
d3-format | ISC |
d3-geo | MIT |
d3-hierarchy | ISC |
d3-interpolate | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-path | ISC |
d3-polygon | ISC |
d3-quadtree | ISC |
d3-random | ISC |
d3-scale | ISC |
d3-scale-chromatic | Apache-2.0 |
d3-selection | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-shape | ISC |
d3-time | ISC |
d3-time-format | ISC |
d3-timer | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-tip | MIT |
d3-transition | ISC |
d3-zoom | ISC |
dagre | MIT |
Data Mapper for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
DataNucleus Core | Apache-2.0 |
DataNucleus JDO API plugin | Apache-2.0 |
DataNucleus RDBMS plugin | Apache-2.0 |
date-fns | MIT |
Deep Dependencies | None |
delaunator | ISC |
detect-browser | MIT |
Disruptor Framework | Apache-2.0 |
dnsjava | BSD-2-Clause |
docker-java-api | Apache-2.0 |
docker-java-transport | Apache-2.0 |
docker-java-transport-zerodep | Apache-2.0 |
Duct Tape | MIT |
Ehcache | Apache-2.0 |
eigenbase-properties | Apache-2.0 |
EL | Apache-2.0 |
Elephant Bird Core | Apache-2.0 |
Elephant Bird Hadoop Compatibility | Apache-2.0 |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Esri Geometry API for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: HttpClient :: OkHttp | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client API | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Admission Registration, Authentication and Authorization | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: API Extensions | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Apps | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Autoscaling | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Batch | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Certificates | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Common | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Coordination | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Core | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Discovery | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Events | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Extensions | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: FlowControl | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Networking | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Node | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Policy | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: RBAC | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Resource | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Scheduling | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Sigs :: Gateway API | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Storage Class | Apache-2.0 |
fastavro | MIT |
fastutil | Apache-2.0 |
fecha | MIT |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
FlatBuffers Java API | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Connectors : Base | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Connectors : Kafka | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Connectors : SQL : Kafka | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-asm-9 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-force-shading | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-guava-32 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-jackson-2 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-jackson-module-jsonSchema-2 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-netty-4 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-netty-tcnative-dynamic | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-swagger | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-zookeeper-3.8 | Apache-2.0 |
Flogger | Apache-2.0 |
Flogger System Backend | Apache-2.0 |
fst | Apache-2.0 |
gapic-google-cloud-storage-v2 | Apache-2.0 |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) | Apache-2.0 |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (gRPC) | Apache-2.0 |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) | Apache-2.0 |
gcs-connector | Apache-2.0 |
gcsio | Apache-2.0 |
gl-matrix | MIT |
Google APIs Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials | BSD-3-Clause |
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP | BSD-3-Clause |
Google Cloud Core | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core gRPC | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Monitoring | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Storage | Apache-2.0 |
Google Guice - Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
Google Guice - Extensions - Servlet | Apache-2.0 |
Google HTTP Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Google Logger | Apache-2.0 |
Google OAuth Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Graphite Integration for Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
graphlib | MIT |
grpc-google-cloud-storage-v2 | Apache-2.0 |
grpcio | Apache-2.0 |
grpcio-tools | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Hadoop Metrics2 Reporter for Dropwizard Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
hadoop-apache2 | Apache-2.0 |
Hamcrest Core | BSD-2-Clause |
HdrHistogram | CC0-1.0 |
High Performance Primitive Collections | Apache-2.0 |
HikariCP | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Classifications | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Common | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Llap Client | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Llap Common | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Llap Tez | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Metastore | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Query Language | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Serde | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Service RPC | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Shims | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Shims 0.23 | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Shims Common | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Shims Scheduler | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Storage API | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Upgrade Acid | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Vector-Code-Gen Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
htrace-core4 | Apache-2.0 |
httplib2 | MIT |
hudi-presto-bundle | Apache-2.0 |
IAM Service Account Credentials API v1-rev20240227-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
iconv-lite | MIT |
icu4j | BSD-3-Clause |
influxdb java bindings | MIT |
ini4j | Apache-2.0 |
internmap | ISC |
io.grpc:grpc-alts | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-api | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-auth | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-census | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-context | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-core | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-googleapis | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-grpclb | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-inprocess | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-rls | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-services | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-stub | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-util | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-xds | Apache-2.0 |
IRC client library | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google APIs Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: JSR310 | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson Integration for Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-dataformat-YAML | Apache-2.0 |
JaCoCo :: Agent | EPL-2.0 |
Jakarta Activation API | BSD-3-Clause |
janino | BSD-3-Clause |
jasper-compiler | Apache-2.0 |
jasper-runtime | Apache-2.0 |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
Java Authentication SPI for Containers | Apache-2.0 |
Java Native Access | Apache-2.0 |
Java Native Access Platform | Apache-2.0 |
Java Object Layout: Core | MIT |
Java Servlet API | Apache-2.0 |
Java Transaction API | CDDL-1.0 |
java-util | Apache-2.0 |
java-xmlbuilder | Apache-2.0 |
JavaBeans Activation Framework API jar | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework | CDDL-1.0 |
JavaMail API (compat) | CDDL-1.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
JavaServlet(TM) Specification | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
Javassist | Apache-2.0 |
javax.inject | Apache-2.0 |
Javolution | SAX-PD |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 |
jcublas | MIT |
jcuda | MIT |
jdk.tools:jdk.tools | CDDL-1.1 |
JDO API | Apache-2.0 |
JDOM | Apache-2.0 |
jersey-client | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-guice | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
JetBrains Java Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
JetS3t | Apache-2.0 |
Jettison | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty :: Aggregate :: All core Jetty | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty :: Servlet Handling | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty :: Webapp Application Support | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Orbit :: Servlet API | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Server | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty SSLEngine | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
JLine | Apache-2.0 |
JLine Reader | BSD-3-Clause |
JLine Terminal | BSD-3-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
jmxutils | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
JPam | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | Apache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
json-io | Apache-2.0 |
json-path | Apache-2.0 |
JSON.simple | Apache-2.0 |
jsp-api | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
JTA 1.1 | Apache-2.0 |
JUnit | EPL-1.0 |
JVM Integration for Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache-2.0 |
Kerb Simple Kdc | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby ASN1 Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Config | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby PKIX Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby XDR Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Admin | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Client | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb core | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Crypto | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Identity | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Server | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kryo | BSD-2-Clause |
leveldbjni-all | Apache-2.0 |
lodash | MIT |
log | Apache-2.0 |
logging-interceptor | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
memory | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core | Apache-2.0 |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Key Vault Core | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Storage Client SDK | Apache-2.0 |
Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server | MIT |
MinLog | BSD-2-Clause |
monaco-editor | MIT |
moshi | Apache-2.0 |
msgpack-core | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/All-in-One | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Buffer | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/DNS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HAProxy | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HTTP2 | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Memcache | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/MQTT | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Redis | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/SMTP | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Socks | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Stomp | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/XML | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Common | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler/Proxy | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Classes/MacOS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Native/MacOS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Classes/Epoll | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Classes/KQueue | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/RXTX | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/SCTP | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/UDT | Apache-2.0 |
ng-zorro-antd | MIT |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus LangTag | Apache-2.0 |
Objenesis | Apache-2.0 |
okhttp | Apache-2.0 |
OkHttp | Apache-2.0 |
okio | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
Open JSON | Apache-2.0 |
OpenCensus | Apache-2.0 |
opencsv | Apache-2.0 |
OpenTracing API | Apache-2.0 |
OpenTracing-noop | Apache-2.0 |
OpenTracing-util | Apache-2.0 |
ORC Core | Apache-2.0 |
ORC Shims | Apache-2.0 |
org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api | Apache-2.0 |
org.conscrypt:conscrypt-openjdk-uber | Apache-2.0 |
org.immutables.value | Apache-2.0 |
org.immutables.value-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
org.locationtech.jts:jts-core | BSD-3-Clause |
org.opentest4j:opentest4j | Apache-2.0 |
oro | Apache-1.1 |
oshi-core | MIT |
ParaNamer Core | BSD-3-Clause |
parse5 | MIT |
PemJa | Apache-2.0 |
pemja | Apache-2.0 |
perfmark:perfmark-api | Apache-2.0 |
pip | MIT |
presto-common | Apache-2.0 |
presto-hive | Apache-2.0 |
presto-hive-common | Apache-2.0 |
presto-hive-metastore | Apache-2.0 |
Prometheus Java Simpleclient | Apache-2.0 |
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Common | Apache-2.0 |
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Httpserver | Apache-2.0 |
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Pushgateway | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-monitoring-v3 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-storage-v2 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-common-protos | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-iam-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
protobuf | Protobuf |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
py4j | BSD-3-Clause |
pyarrow | Apache-2.0 |
pyrolite | MIT |
pytest | MIT |
python-dateutil | Apache-2.0 |
pytz | MIT |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reactive-streams | MIT-0 |
Retrofit | Apache-2.0 |
robust-predicates | Unlicense |
RocksDB JNI | Apache-2.0 |
rw | BSD-3-Clause |
rxjs | Apache-2.0 |
safer-buffer | MIT |
Scala Compiler | BSD-3-Clause |
Scala Library | BSD-3-Clause |
Scala Reflect | BSD-2-Clause |
scala-java8-compat | Apache-2.0 |
scala-parser-combinators | BSD-3-Clause |
scala-xml | BSD-2-Clause |
setuptools | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
slice | Apache-2.0 |
SnakeYAML | Apache-2.0 |
SnakeYAML Engine | Apache-2.0 |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
software.amazon.ion:ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
ssl-config-core | Apache-2.0 |
stats | Apache-2.0 |
StAX API | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | BSD-2-Clause |
StringTemplate 4 | BSD-2-Clause |
Testcontainers Core | MIT |
ThreeTen backport | BSD-3-Clause |
Token provider | Apache-2.0 |
tpch | Apache-2.0 |
tslib | 0BSD |
@types/d3-timer | MIT |
units | Apache-2.0 |
util | Apache-2.0 |
util-hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
utils | Apache-2.0 |
wheel | MIT |
wildfly-openssl | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xerces2-j | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
xml-apis | Apache-2.0 |
xmlenc | BSD-2-Clause |
XZ for Java | public-domain |
zjsonpatch | Apache-2.0 |
zone.js | MIT |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Confluent Platform for Apache Flink 1.19, along with the license associated with the software.
Included Project | License |
"Java Concurrency in Practice" book annotations | CC-BY-2.5 |
Aggregate Designer Algorithm | Apache-2.0 |
agrona | Apache-2.0 |
aircompressor | Apache-2.0 |
Aliyun OSS SDK for Java | Apache-2.0 |
aliyun-java-sdk-core | Apache-2.0 |
aliyun-java-sdk-kms | Apache-2.0 |
aliyun-java-sdk-ram | Apache-2.0 |
Alluxio Shaded Libraries - Client | Apache-2.0 |
Android SDK | Android-Sdk |
@angular/animations | MIT |
@angular/cdk | MIT |
@angular/common | MIT |
@angular/compiler | MIT |
@angular/core | MIT |
@angular/forms | MIT |
@angular/platform-browser | MIT |
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic | MIT |
@angular/router | MIT |
Animal Sniffer Annotations | MIT |
Annotation 1.0 | Apache-2.0 |
ant | Apache-2.0 |
@ant-design/colors | MIT |
@ant-design/icons-angular | MIT |
ANTLR 3 Runtime | BSD-2-Clause |
ANTLR 4 Runtime | BSD-2-Clause |
@antv/adjust | MIT |
@antv/attr | MIT |
@antv/color-util | ISC |
@antv/component | MIT |
@antv/coord | MIT |
@antv/dom-util | MIT |
@antv/event-emitter | MIT |
@antv/g-base | ISC |
@antv/g-canvas | ISC |
@antv/g-math | ISC |
@antv/g-svg | ISC |
@antv/g2 | MIT |
@antv/matrix-util | ISC |
@antv/path-util | ISC |
@antv/scale | MIT |
@antv/util | ISC |
AOP alliance | public-domain |
Apache Ant Core | W3C |
Apache Ant Launcher | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Avro IPC | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Avro Mapred API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Beam :: Vendored Dependencies :: gRPC :: 1.48.1 | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Beam :: Vendored Dependencies :: Guava 26.0-jre | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Calcite Avatica | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Calcite Avatica (Shaded) | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Calcite Avatica Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Daemon | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Net | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Text | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Curator | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Geronimo JCache Spec 1.0 | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Groovy | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Aliyun OSS support | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Amazon Web Services support | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Azure support | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop HDFS | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop HDFS Client | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop MapReduce Core | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop MiniKDC | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop shaded Guava | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop shaded Protobuf 3.7 | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN ApplicationHistoryService | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN Client | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN Registry | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN ResourceManager | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN Server Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop YARN Web Proxy | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Ivy | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Kafka | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j 1.x Compatibility API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j Core | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j SLF4J Binding | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j Web | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop Bundle | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Protobuf | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Pekko Actor | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Pekko Pki | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Pekko Protobuf V3 | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Pekko Remote | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Pekko Slf4j | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Pekko Stream | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Thrift | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Velocity | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
apache-beam | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS I18n | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec | Apache-2.0 |
API Common | BSD-3-Clause |
ArchUnit | Apache-2.0 |
Arrow Format | Apache-2.0 |
Arrow Memory | Apache-2.0 |
Arrow Memory - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Arrow Memory - Netty | Apache-2.0 |
Arrow Vectors | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
ASM Commons | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM Core | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM Tree | BSD-3-Clause |
asn-one | Apache-2.0 |
AssertJ Core | Apache-2.0 |
async-profiler | Apache-2.0 |
AutoValue Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
avro-python3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon DynamoDB | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
beam-model-fn-execution | Apache-2.0 |
beam-model-job-management | Apache-2.0 |
beam-model-pipeline | Apache-2.0 |
beam-runners-core-construction-java | Apache-2.0 |
beam-runners-core-java | Apache-2.0 |
beam-runners-java-fn-execution | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-core | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-fn-execution | Apache-2.0 |
BoneCP :: Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
Bouncy Castle Provider | BouncyCastle |
Byte Buddy (without dependencies) | Apache-2.0 |
Calcite Core | Apache-2.0 |
Calcite Druid | Apache-2.0 |
Calcite Linq4j | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
chill | Apache-2.0 |
chill-java | Apache-2.0 |
ClassGraph | MIT |
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20240524-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
cloudpickle | BSD-3-Clause |
com.yahoo.datasketches:sketches-core | Apache-2.0 |
commander | MIT |
Commons DBCP | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Digester | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
commons-compiler | BSD-3-Clause |
config | Apache-2.0 |
configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Converter: Moshi | Apache-2.0 |
Core :: HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Core :: HTTP Client | Apache-2.0 |
Core :: IO | EPL-1.0 |
Core :: Rewrite | Apache-2.0 |
Core :: Security | Apache-2.0 |
Core :: Server | NCSA |
Core :: Utilities | MIT |
Core :: Utilities :: JSON | Apache-2.0 |
Core :: XML | Apache-2.0 |
core-js | MIT |
csstype | MIT |
@ctrl/tinycolor | MIT |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Testing | Apache-2.0 |
Cython | Apache-2.0 |
d3 | ISC |
d3-array | ISC |
d3-axis | ISC |
d3-brush | ISC |
d3-chord | ISC |
d3-collection | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-color | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-contour | ISC |
d3-delaunay | ISC |
d3-dispatch | ISC |
d3-drag | ISC |
d3-dsv | ISC |
d3-ease | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-fetch | ISC |
d3-flame-graph | Apache-2.0 |
d3-force | ISC |
d3-format | ISC |
d3-geo | MIT |
d3-hierarchy | ISC |
d3-interpolate | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-path | ISC |
d3-polygon | ISC |
d3-quadtree | ISC |
d3-random | ISC |
d3-scale | ISC |
d3-scale-chromatic | Apache-2.0 |
d3-selection | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-shape | ISC |
d3-time | ISC |
d3-time-format | ISC |
d3-timer | BSD-3-Clause |
d3-tip | MIT |
d3-transition | ISC |
d3-zoom | ISC |
dagre | MIT |
Data Mapper for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
DataNucleus Core | Apache-2.0 |
DataNucleus JDO API plugin | Apache-2.0 |
DataNucleus RDBMS plugin | Apache-2.0 |
date-fns | MIT |
Deep Dependencies | None |
delaunator | ISC |
detect-browser | MIT |
Disruptor Framework | Apache-2.0 |
dnsjava | BSD-2-Clause |
docker-java-api | Apache-2.0 |
docker-java-transport | Apache-2.0 |
docker-java-transport-zerodep | Apache-2.0 |
Duct Tape | MIT |
Ehcache | Apache-2.0 |
eigenbase-properties | Apache-2.0 |
EL | Apache-2.0 |
Elephant Bird Core | Apache-2.0 |
Elephant Bird Hadoop Compatibility | Apache-2.0 |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Esri Geometry API for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: HttpClient :: OkHttp | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client API | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Admission Registration, Authentication and Authorization | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: API Extensions | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Apps | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Autoscaling | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Batch | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Certificates | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Common | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Coordination | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Core | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Discovery | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Events | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Extensions | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: FlowControl | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Networking | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Node | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Policy | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: RBAC | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Resource | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Scheduling | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Sigs :: Gateway API | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Storage Class | Apache-2.0 |
fastavro | MIT |
fastutil | Apache-2.0 |
fecha | MIT |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
FlatBuffers Java API | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Connectors : Base | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Connectors : Kafka | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Connectors : SQL : Kafka | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-asm-9 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-force-shading | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-guava-32 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-jackson-2 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-jackson-module-jsonSchema-2 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-netty-4 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-netty-tcnative-dynamic | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-swagger | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-zookeeper-3.8 | Apache-2.0 |
Flogger | Apache-2.0 |
Flogger System Backend | Apache-2.0 |
fst | Apache-2.0 |
gapic-google-cloud-storage-v2 | Apache-2.0 |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) | Apache-2.0 |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (gRPC) | Apache-2.0 |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) | Apache-2.0 |
gcs-connector | Apache-2.0 |
gcsio | Apache-2.0 |
gl-matrix | MIT |
Google APIs Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials | BSD-3-Clause |
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP | BSD-3-Clause |
Google Cloud Core | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core gRPC | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Monitoring | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Storage | Apache-2.0 |
Google Guice - Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
Google Guice - Extensions - Servlet | Apache-2.0 |
Google HTTP Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Google Logger | Apache-2.0 |
Google OAuth Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Graphite Integration for Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
graphlib | MIT |
grpc-google-cloud-storage-v2 | Apache-2.0 |
grpcio | Apache-2.0 |
grpcio-tools | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Hadoop Metrics2 Reporter for Dropwizard Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
hadoop-apache2 | Apache-2.0 |
Hamcrest Core | BSD-2-Clause |
HdrHistogram | CC0-1.0 |
High Performance Primitive Collections | Apache-2.0 |
HikariCP | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Classifications | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Common | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Llap Client | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Llap Common | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Llap Tez | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Metastore | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Query Language | BSD-3-Clause |
Hive Serde | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Service RPC | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Shims | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Shims 0.23 | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Shims Common | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Shims Scheduler | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Storage API | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Upgrade Acid | Apache-2.0 |
Hive Vector-Code-Gen Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
htrace-core4 | Apache-2.0 |
httplib2 | MIT |
hudi-presto-bundle | Apache-2.0 |
IAM Service Account Credentials API v1-rev20240227-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
iconv-lite | MIT |
icu4j | BSD-3-Clause |
influxdb java bindings | MIT |
ini4j | Apache-2.0 |
internmap | ISC |
io.grpc:grpc-alts | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-api | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-auth | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-census | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-context | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-core | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-googleapis | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-grpclb | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-inprocess | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-rls | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-services | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-stub | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-util | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-xds | Apache-2.0 |
IRC client library | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google APIs Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: JSR310 | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson Integration for Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-dataformat-YAML | Apache-2.0 |
JaCoCo :: Agent | EPL-2.0 |
Jakarta Activation API | BSD-3-Clause |
janino | BSD-3-Clause |
jasper-compiler | Apache-2.0 |
jasper-runtime | Apache-2.0 |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
Java Authentication SPI for Containers | Apache-2.0 |
Java Native Access | Apache-2.0 |
Java Native Access Platform | Apache-2.0 |
Java Object Layout: Core | MIT |
Java Servlet API | Apache-2.0 |
Java Transaction API | CDDL-1.0 |
java-util | Apache-2.0 |
java-xmlbuilder | Apache-2.0 |
JavaBeans Activation Framework API jar | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework | CDDL-1.0 |
JavaMail API (compat) | CDDL-1.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
JavaServlet(TM) Specification | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
Javassist | Apache-2.0 |
javax.inject | Apache-2.0 |
Javolution | SAX-PD |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 |
jcublas | MIT |
jcuda | MIT |
jdk.tools:jdk.tools | CDDL-1.1 |
JDO API | Apache-2.0 |
JDOM | Apache-2.0 |
jersey-client | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-guice | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
JetBrains Java Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
JetS3t | Apache-2.0 |
Jettison | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty :: Aggregate :: All core Jetty | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty :: Servlet Handling | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty :: Webapp Application Support | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Orbit :: Servlet API | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Server | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty SSLEngine | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
JLine | Apache-2.0 |
JLine Reader | BSD-3-Clause |
JLine Terminal | BSD-3-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
jmxutils | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
JPam | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | Apache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
json-io | Apache-2.0 |
json-path | Apache-2.0 |
JSON.simple | Apache-2.0 |
jsp-api | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
JTA 1.1 | Apache-2.0 |
JUnit | EPL-1.0 |
JVM Integration for Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache-2.0 |
Kerb Simple Kdc | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby ASN1 Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Config | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby PKIX Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby XDR Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Admin | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Client | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb core | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Crypto | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Identity | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Server | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kryo | BSD-2-Clause |
leveldbjni-all | Apache-2.0 |
lodash | MIT |
log | Apache-2.0 |
logging-interceptor | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
memory | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core | Apache-2.0 |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Key Vault Core | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Storage Client SDK | Apache-2.0 |
Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server | MIT |
MinLog | BSD-2-Clause |
monaco-editor | MIT |
moshi | Apache-2.0 |
msgpack-core | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/All-in-One | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Buffer | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/DNS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HAProxy | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HTTP2 | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Memcache | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/MQTT | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Redis | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/SMTP | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Socks | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Stomp | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/XML | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Common | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler/Proxy | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler/Ssl/Ocsp | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Classes/MacOS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Native/MacOS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Classes/Epoll | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Classes/KQueue | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/RXTX | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/SCTP | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/UDT | Apache-2.0 |
ng-zorro-antd | MIT |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus LangTag | Apache-2.0 |
Objenesis | Apache-2.0 |
okhttp | Apache-2.0 |
OkHttp | Apache-2.0 |
okio | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
Open JSON | Apache-2.0 |
OpenCensus | Apache-2.0 |
opencsv | Apache-2.0 |
OpenTracing API | Apache-2.0 |
OpenTracing-noop | Apache-2.0 |
OpenTracing-util | Apache-2.0 |
ORC Core | Apache-2.0 |
ORC Shims | Apache-2.0 |
org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api | Apache-2.0 |
org.conscrypt:conscrypt-openjdk-uber | Apache-2.0 |
org.immutables.value | Apache-2.0 |
org.immutables.value-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
org.locationtech.jts:jts-core | BSD-3-Clause |
org.opentest4j:opentest4j | Apache-2.0 |
oro | Apache-1.1 |
oshi-core | MIT |
ParaNamer Core | BSD-3-Clause |
parse5 | MIT |
PemJa | Apache-2.0 |
pemja | Apache-2.0 |
perfmark:perfmark-api | Apache-2.0 |
pip | MIT |
presto-common | Apache-2.0 |
presto-hive | Apache-2.0 |
presto-hive-common | Apache-2.0 |
presto-hive-metastore | Apache-2.0 |
Prometheus Java Simpleclient | Apache-2.0 |
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Common | Apache-2.0 |
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Httpserver | Apache-2.0 |
Prometheus Java Simpleclient Pushgateway | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-monitoring-v3 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-storage-v2 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-common-protos | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-iam-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
protobuf | Protobuf |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
py4j | BSD-3-Clause |
pyarrow | Apache-2.0 |
pyrolite | MIT |
pytest | MIT |
python-dateutil | Apache-2.0 |
pytz | MIT |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reactive-streams | MIT-0 |
Retrofit | Apache-2.0 |
robust-predicates | Unlicense |
RocksDB JNI | Apache-2.0 |
ruamel.yaml | MIT |
rw | BSD-3-Clause |
rxjs | Apache-2.0 |
safer-buffer | MIT |
Scala Compiler | BSD-3-Clause |
Scala Library | BSD-3-Clause |
Scala Reflect | BSD-2-Clause |
scala-java8-compat | Apache-2.0 |
scala-parser-combinators | BSD-3-Clause |
scala-xml | BSD-2-Clause |
setuptools | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
slice | Apache-2.0 |
SnakeYAML | Apache-2.0 |
SnakeYAML Engine | Apache-2.0 |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
software.amazon.ion:ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
ssl-config-core | Apache-2.0 |
stats | Apache-2.0 |
StAX API | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | BSD-2-Clause |
StringTemplate 4 | BSD-2-Clause |
Testcontainers Core | MIT |
ThreeTen backport | BSD-3-Clause |
Token provider | Apache-2.0 |
tpch | Apache-2.0 |
tslib | 0BSD |
@types/d3-timer | MIT |
units | Apache-2.0 |
util | Apache-2.0 |
util-hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
utils | Apache-2.0 |
wheel | MIT |
wildfly-openssl | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xerces2-j | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
xml-apis | Apache-2.0 |
xmlenc | BSD-2-Clause |
XZ for Java | public-domain |
zjsonpatch | Apache-2.0 |
zone.js | MIT |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Confluent Platform for Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator 1.8, along with the license associated with the software.
Included Project | License |
Android SDK | Android-Sdk |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Beam :: Vendored Dependencies :: gRPC :: 1.48.1 | EPL-1.0 |
Apache Beam :: Vendored Dependencies :: Guava 26.0-jre | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CSV | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Kafka | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Log4j 1.x Compatibility API | Apache-2.0 |
API Common | BSD-3-Clause |
args4j | MIT |
Arrow Format | Apache-2.0 |
Arrow Memory - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Arrow Vectors | Apache-2.0 |
AutoValue Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
AutoValue Processor | Apache-2.0 |
beam-examples-java | Apache-2.0 |
beam-model-fn-execution | Apache-2.0 |
beam-model-job-management | Apache-2.0 |
beam-model-pipeline | Apache-2.0 |
beam-runners-core-construction-java | Apache-2.0 |
beam-runners-core-java | Apache-2.0 |
beam-runners-flink-1.15 | Apache-2.0 |
beam-runners-java-fn-execution | Apache-2.0 |
beam-runners-java-job-service | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-core | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-expansion-service | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-extensions-arrow | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-extensions-google-cloud-platform-core | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-extensions-ml | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-extensions-python | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-fn-execution | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-io-google-cloud-platform | Apache-2.0 |
beam-sdks-java-io-kafka | Apache-2.0 |
BigQuery API v2-rev20240602-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
BigQuery Storage | Apache-2.0 |
Bouncy Castle PKIX, CMS, EAC, TSP, PKCS, OCSP, CMP, and CRMF APIs | BouncyCastle |
Bouncy Castle Provider | MIT |
c3p0 | EPL-1.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
ClassGraph | MIT |
Cloud Healthcare API v1-rev20240429-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
Cloud Pub/Sub API v1-rev20231019-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
Cloud Resource Manager API v3-rev20240310-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20240524-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
com.google.cloud.bigtable:bigtable-client-core | Apache-2.0 |
com.google.cloud.bigtable:bigtable-metrics-api | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
config | Apache-2.0 |
Data Mapper for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
datastore-v1-proto-client | Apache-2.0 |
Disruptor Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: CRD generator :: Annotation Processor | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: CRD generator :: API | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Generator Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: HttpClient :: OkHttp | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client API | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Common | Apache-2.0 |
Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model :: Core | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
FlatBuffers Java API | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Clients | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Connectors : File Sink Common | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Core | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : FileSystems : Hadoop FS | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Java | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Metrics : Core | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Optimizer | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Queryable state : Client Java | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : RPC : Akka-Loader | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : RPC : Core | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Runtime | Apache-2.0 |
Flink : Streaming Java | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-asm-9 | Apache-2.0 |
flink-shaded-force-shading | Apache-2.0 |
Flogger | Apache-2.0 |
Flogger System Backend | Apache-2.0 |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) | BSD-3-Clause |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (gRPC) | BSD-3-Clause |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) | BSD-3-Clause |
gcsio | Apache-2.0 |
Google APIs Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials | BSD-2-Clause |
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP | BSD-2-Clause |
Google Cloud Bigtable | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core gRPC | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Firestore | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Monitoring | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Pub/Sub | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Pub/Sub Lite | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Spanner | Apache-2.0 |
Google HTTP Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Google Logger | Apache-2.0 |
Google OAuth Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
google-cloud-bigtable-stats | Apache-2.0 |
gRPC extension library for Google Cloud Platform | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-bigquerystorage-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-bigquerystorage-v1beta1 | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-bigquerystorage-v1beta2 | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-bigtable-admin-v2 | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-bigtable-v2 | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-pubsublite-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-spanner-admin-database-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-spanner-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-storage-v2 | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-common-protos | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
HikariCP | Apache-2.0 |
IAM Service Account Credentials API v1-rev20240227-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-alts | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-api | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-auth | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-census | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-context | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-core | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-googleapis | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-grpclb | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-netty | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-rls | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-services | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-stub | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-xds | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google APIs Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: Joda | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-dataformat-YAML | Apache-2.0 |
JavaPoet | Apache-2.0 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
JSON in Java | JSON |
kafka-avro-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk7 | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk8 | Apache-2.0 |
Kryo | BSD-2-Clause |
Kubernetes Webhooks Framework - Core | Apache-2.0 |
mchange-commons-java | EPL-1.0 |
Netty/Codec/HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HTTP2 | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Socks | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler/Proxy | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/TomcatNative [BoringSSL - Static] | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/TomcatNative [OpenSSL - Classes] | Apache-2.0 |
okhttp | Apache-2.0 |
okio | Apache-2.0 |
OpenCensus | Apache-2.0 |
Operator SDK - Framework - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Operator SDK - Framework - Plain Java | Apache-2.0 |
org.conscrypt:conscrypt-openjdk-uber | Apache-2.0 |
ParaNamer Core | BSD-3-Clause |
perfmark:perfmark-api | Apache-2.0 |
Project Lombok | MIT |
proto-google-cloud-bigquerystorage-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-bigquerystorage-v1beta1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-bigquerystorage-v1beta2 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-bigtable-admin-v2 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-bigtable-v2 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-datastore-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-firestore-bundle-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-firestore-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-language-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-monitoring-v3 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-pubsublite-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-spanner-admin-database-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-spanner-admin-instance-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-spanner-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-storage-v2 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-common-protos | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-iam-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
Protocol Buffer extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
quartz | Apache-2.0 |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
Spring Core | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Adapters :: API | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Adapters :: APT | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Adapters :: Reflect | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Annotations :: Builder | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Annotations :: Resourcecify | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Code generation :: Annotation Processing | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Code generation :: API | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Core | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Model :: Base | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Model :: Model (Base and Builder) | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Model :: Repository | Apache-2.0 |
Sundrio :: Model :: Utils | Apache-2.0 |
ThreeTen backport | BSD-2-Clause |
util | Apache-2.0 |
utils | Apache-2.0 |
XZ for Java | public-domain |
ZkClient | Apache-2.0 |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
The table below lists third party software that is incorporated into Confluent Platform for Apache Kafka Connector for Apache Flink 3.2, along with the license associated with the software.
Included Project | License |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Kafka | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Deep Dependencies | None |
docker-java-transport-zerodep | Apache-2.0 |
Duct Tape | MIT |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: jdk8 | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: JSR310 | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
JUnit | EPL-1.0 |
Kryo | BSD-2-Clause |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Testcontainers Core | MIT |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |