"Since deployment this year, we've never had any form of downtime with respect to processing millions of requests from our customers."
Felix Ike
CTO, Moniepoint
In Nigeria, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) make up 48% of the national GDP.
Moniepoint provides financial solutions to power the aspirations of these SMBs from payment, credit, business management to banking services. The company has now scaled to support over two million businesses since its founding in 2015.
As a stop on Confluent’s Data in Motion tour in London, Moniepoint’s CTO and co-founder, Felix Ike, shared the evolution of their architecture to process transactions from Apache Kafka® to Confluent Cloud.
Read how Moniepoint went from the scaling challenges without Confluent Cloud, breaking apart department monoliths to Confluent's efficient handling of transactions and notifications.
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