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At this year’s Kafka Summit London we announced Current 2022: The Next Generation of Kafka Summit. This is a technical conference for everything data in motion. Current 2022 will take place October 4-5 in Austin, Texas.
The Call for Papers is open until June 26th. Now is your opportunity to become involved in this inaugural event!
“What happened to Kafka Summit?” I may well hear you ask. Well, the good news is that Kafka Summit is not going away! Kafka Summit will continue to thrive as part of Current.
You’ll find all the usual stuff you’ve seen at Kafka Summit: event-driven design, streaming technology, real-time systems, etc. But Current takes Kafka Summit to the next level, covering all technologies that connect applications with data, process it in different ways, and monitor, govern, or orchestrate data flows at company scale. Talks will range from introductory to deep dive, and cover everything a developer, architect, or operator might need to succeed in this new world of data in motion.
Any conference is only as good as the content, so now is the time to consider submitting an abstract. Speaking at Current 2022 is a great way to connect with hundreds of your peers, become more involved in the data streaming community, and have a public platform for you to share your story of the future of streaming and real-time data.
We welcome every speaker, experienced or not. One of the things we’d like to do for Current is to feature speakers who represent the diversity in our community and beyond. We want the conference speaking regulars—but we also want the people who have never spoken before. Maybe you work as an engineer or a consultant and have a great story to tell about data in motion. Perhaps you’re a technical program manager or an architect and want to share the success you’ve had in the field. Here is your opportunity!
For yourself. Speaking is a great way to learn more about a topic since you have to properly understand it in order to explain it to others. It’s a good way to improve your communication skills—important regardless of job function. And it’s a good way to raise your public profile and establish your credibility in a field of expertise.
For the community. A conference is made by the quality of its content. You can have as much awful coffee and lame swag from the exhibitors’ hall, but if you hear engaging and inspirational talks, you will still come away buzzing from the event.
That’s awesome that you’d like to speak! 🙌
First off, decide if you want to present a lightning talk (10 minutes, no Q&A) or a breakout session (45 minutes, including Q&A).
Then you need to prepare a title and abstract for your talk and submit it to the Call for Papers by June 26th. You don’t need to have written the talk itself at this stage.
You’ll be notified by the end of July whether your talk was accepted. If it is, then hurrah! You now need to write and rehearse your talk, ready for its prime-time debut at Current in October in Austin.
Speaking at a conference hinges entirely on the strength of the abstract you submit. You have approximately three short paragraphs to make the reader feel like they’ll learn something interesting if they come and hear you speak. So plan to spend a good chunk of time thinking the abstract through, writing it, and polishing it. Those ~200 words are your conference ticket.
This blog post explains in-depth some of the things you can do to improve your chances of being accepted to speak. There’s also this video that gives a good overview of what you need to have in mind when you write your abstract.
No. We would love to see more new speakers, and we can support you every step of the way, including as follows:
We will be running two Speaker Office Hours sessions to help you with your abstract(s) for Current. Office Hours is staffed by members of the program committee, giving you direct access to some of the people who will be partly responsible for choosing the program.
If you have your abstract written you can get feedback on it, giving you a valuable opportunity to hone it to perfection before submitting it. We can’t write your abstract for you, but we can cast a practised eye over it and make suggestions for what looks great and what perhaps might not quite fly.
You can also bounce ideas for talks that you may have off those there. Oftentimes a great talk is just submitted for the wrong conference—take advantage of this opportunity to understand directly from a subset of the program committee if your idea resonates with them or not.
Office Hours are held on the Confluent Community Slack group on the #current-2022-office-hours channel. The dates for Office Hours for Current 2022 are as follows:
If you are a new speaker and you would rather work directly with someone on your abstract, please email new-speakers@currentevent.io and we will put you in touch with a mentor.
Each speaker can submit up to three talks.
Yes! Each talk can have up to two speakers.
Talks will be chosen by a program committee made up of around 25 people. Members of the committee are from across the community. The committee is chaired by Robin Moffatt.
The program committee will review abstracts and score them. Those scores are then used to evaluate the talks and plan an interesting and excellent agenda for the conference.
Go to the Call for Speakers submission page and submit your talk before the closing date (26th June 2022).
Talks should be informative, interesting, educational, and thought-provoking. If you’re talking about a product, don’t just pitch it. Come along with a talk that explains the problem it solves and the benefit it will bring. Leave the sales folk at home and bring your technical people instead. 😉
We’re looking for talks about all aspects of event-driven design, streaming technology, and real-time systems. Think about Apache Kafka® and similar technologies, and work outwards from there. Whether it’s a data engineering talk with real-time data, software engineering with message brokers, or event-driven architectures—if there’s data in motion, then it’s going to be relevant.
The talk tracks are as follows:
Here are some sample talk titles to illustrate the kind of content we’re looking for and ideas to inspire your own talk:
The Call for Papers closes on 26th June at 23:59 CDT.
Catch up on AI Day’s Keynote; AI Accelerator launch; panel discussion with Anthropic, AWS, MongoDB, Reworkd, and Confluent; GenAI RAG workshops; and a hackathon with a GenAI app showcase. Watch the full livestream on demand.
Join Confluent at AWS re:Invent 2024 to learn how to stream, connect, process, and govern data, unlocking its full potential. Explore innovations like GenAI use cases, Apache Iceberg, and seamless integration with AWS services. Visit our booth for demos, sessions, and more.