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If you’ve used Kafka for any amount of time you’ve likely heard about connections; the most common place that they come up is in regard to clients. Sure, producer and consumer clients connect to the cluster to do their jobs, but it doesn’t stop there. Nearly all interactions across a cluster...
Rebalancing comes into play in Apache Kafka® when consumers join or leave a consumer group. In either case, there is a different number of consumers over which to distribute the partitions from the topic(s), and, so, they must be redistributed and rebalanced....
It can be easy to go about life without thinking about them, but requests are an important part of Apache Kafka; they form the basis of how clients interact with data as it moves into and out of Kafka topics, and, in certain cases, too many requests can have a negative impact on your brokers...
When you encounter a problem with Apache Kafka®—for example, an exploding number of connections to your brokers or perhaps some wonky record batching—it’s easy to consider these issues as something to be solved in and of themselves...
For many organizations, Apache Kafka® is the backbone and source of truth for data systems across the enterprise. Protecting your event streaming platform is critical for data security and often […]