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As presenters took the keynote stage at this year’s Kafka Summit in London, an undercurrent of excitement was “streaming” through the room. With over 3,500 people in attendance, both in person and online, the Apache Kafka® community came out...
Happy New Year! It’s not too late to say that, right?
With Halloween just a few days away and temperatures dropping (in most parts of the world!), it’s safe to say that we’re right in the middle of “spooky season.” And while ghosts and ghouls may bring delight to those who enjoy a scary movie or two, there’s one nightmarish creature..
This week, Current | The Next Generation of Kafka Summit kicked off year two of its run as the industry conference for all things Apache Kafka® and real-time data streaming. Hosted in San Jose, the summit welcomed over 2.1k in-person attendees (and 3.5k+ who joined virtually)...
Chances are, if you’re working to build mission-critical applications, you’re familiar with the intersections where AI, machine learning, and data (both real-time and historical) meet. At this stage in the game, AI is becoming prevalent...
"It really is an awesome time for this community,” said Jay Kreps, CEO of Confluent, in his opening keynote to over 1,500 live attendees (and 2k+ virtual viewers) from 50+ countries at Kafka Summit London.
Companies in nearly every industry are using Apache Kafka to harness their streaming data and deliver rich customer experiences and real-time business insights. In fact, Kafka has become so widely accepted as the de facto technology for data streaming, that it’s now used by over 70% of the Fortune
Who isn’t familiar with Michelin? Whether it’s their extensive product line of tires for nearly every vehicle imaginable (including space shuttles), or the world-renowned Michelin Guide that has determined the standard of excellence for fine dining for over 100 years, you’ve probably heard of them.