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Change data capture is a popular method to connect database tables to data streams, but it comes with drawbacks. The next evolution of the CDC pattern, first-class data products, provide resilient pipelines that support both real-time and batch processing while isolating upstream systems...
Confluent Cloud Freight clusters are now Generally Available on AWS. In this blog, learn how Freight clusters can save you up to 90% at GBps+ scale.
Learn how to contribute to open source Apache Kafka by writing Kafka Improvement Proposals (KIPs) that solve problems and add features! Read on for real examples.
We launched Project Metamorphosis in April with the goal of making it dramatically easier for organizations to leverage an event streaming platform for their business needs. By reimagining event streaming […]
We’re pleased to announce ksqlDB 0.11.0, which takes a big step forward toward improved production stability. This is becoming increasingly important as companies like Bolt and PushOwl use ksqlDB for […]
As one of the world’s biggest internet-based platform companies, Tencent uses technology to enrich the lives of users and assist the digital upgrade of enterprises. An example product is the […]
ksqlDB 0.10 includes significant changes and improvements to how keys are handled. This is part of a series of enhancements that began with support for non-VARCHAR keys and will ultimately […]
Change Data Capture (CDC) is an excellent way to introduce streaming analytics into your existing database, and using Debezium enables you to send your change data through Apache Kafka®. Although […]
Whether your organization needs simple pub/sub messaging, real-time data analytics, or a complete digital transformation, event streaming technology brings a myriad of benefits for the new era of big data. […]
Using a declarative SQL-like interface, ksqlDB makes it easy to integrate event streaming applications into any tech stack. This article illustrates how ksqlDB was added to PushOwl’s Python tech stack, […]
This blog post talks about the recent improvements on exactly-once semantics (EOS) to make it simpler to use and more resilient. EOS was first released in Apache Kafka® 0.11 and […]
This blog post applies to ksqlDB version 0.8.1 and later. Keeping a datacenter up and running is no walk in the park. It’s a job that involves mind-boggling amounts of […]
You may already know that Confluent Cloud is available across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, allowing you to access the amazing stack built by Confluent including a battle-tested version of […]
Why data privacy for Apache Kafka®? As companies seek to leverage all forms of data for competitive advantage, there is a growing regulatory and reputational risk that calls for the […]
While preparing for the launch of Confluent Cloud ksqlDB, the ksqlDB Team built a system of metrics and monitoring that enabled insight into the experience of operating ksqlDB, the associated […]
The first-ever virtual Kafka Summit 2020 kicks off next month in the comfort of your home office, couch, spare bedroom, living room, outbuilding, lanai, veranda, or in-home portico, featuring an […]
Apache Kafka® is a distributed commit log, commonly used as a multi-tenant data hub to connect diverse source systems and sink systems. Source systems can be systems or records, operational […]