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To enhance and simplify your partnering experience with Confluent, we offer the following responses to some frequently asked questions. Please reach out to partners@confluent.io should you need to further discuss your partnership with Confluent.
An integration to Confluent, from a registered Partner which has been confirmed as meeting the quality and functionality requirements.
Having a Confluent Verified Integration is essential for participation in joint sales and marketing activities. Additionally Verified Integrations are given greater prominence in our listings.
Confidence in the integration’s quality.
No. One of the requirements for a Verified Integration is that it must be owned and maintained to certain standards by a Confluent Partner.
Details of the program and the application form can be found here.
No, there is no fee to join the Confluent Technology Partner Program.
Developer guides are available for our most popular integration options:
Kafka Connectors
Kafka Client API Integrations
Partners have access to additional information on the Partner Portal
Technical Partners can either write integrations themselves, or Confluent can recommend partners who can undertake this development work on a commercial basis. Please reach out to the Confluent team for more details at partners@confluent.io.
Partners can learn more about the types of integration that can be verified, the standards used, and our onboarding processes https://partners.confluent.io/prm/English/c/BuildIntegration.
We now only accept one integration level; Verified Integration (formerly Gold level)
The Confluent Verified Integration process varies depending on the type of integration that you have built, but broadly is based on a strong user experience across Confluent deployment options and best practice for Kafka. Compatibility with Confluent Schema Registry is essential. Find out more
"Certified Connector" is a depreciated term (as of March 2018).
Confluent uses the term "Verified Integration" to refer to a Partner integration which has achieved our quality standards.
Integrations written using the Kafka Connect framework ("Connectors") are a subset of available integration options.
Ensure you are a registered member of the Confluent Technical Partner program, then click on the "Build Integration" page on the Partner Portal for processes and specifications.
If you have any questions about the process, or when you are ready to request verification of your integration contact the Verification team.