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I’ve always found event sourcing to be fascinating. We spend so much of our lives as developers saving data in database tables—doing this in a completely different way seems almost […]
First, what is event sourcing? Here’s an example. Consider your bank account: viewing it online, the first thing you notice is often the current balance. How many of us drill […]
Traditional relational database systems are ubiquitous in software systems. They are surrounded by a strong ecosystem of tools, such as object-relational mappers and schema migration helpers. Relational databases also provide […]
Adam Warski is one of the co-founders of SoftwareMill, where he codes mainly using Scala and other interesting technologies. He is involved in open-source projects, such as sttp, MacWire, Quicklens, […]
Event sourcing as an application architecture pattern is rising in popularity. Event sourcing involves modeling the state changes made by applications as an immutable sequence or “log” of events. Instead […]