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Featured Partner: Ness

Real-Time ECG Measurements Analysis

The messages in this use case consist of raw ECG measurements, which are streamed to topics in Confluent Cloud and will help with the analysis of heart rates, by using Confluent's Flink service. This demonstrates how we can help health providers and researchers to have real-time data about patients, or even detect malfunction in medical equipment.

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Build with Confluent

This use case leverages the following building blocks in Confluent Cloud:

Reference Architecture

Heart Monitors and Wearable Devices

Continuously deliver messages about heart rate measurements or ECG.

Compute Nodes

EKS cluster receives the events from the health devices (or this layer could be replaced by an IoT gateway/connector), transforms/serializes as necessary and send it thru the Kafka Cluster for analysis via Flink.

Confluent Cloud

Confluent Cloud hosts the Kafka Cluster and Flink Compute pools used to analyze the data and will tell us which anomalies we should pay attention to.


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